Chapter one: Eli

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Eli's POV
Waking up to turbulence and the fight attendance speaking through the intercom is not a good way to wake up. It's actually pretty fucking terrifying when your so used to waking up in your own bed. I look out the window and remember as of today I'm living in a country I've been dreaming about. Me,
Eli Octavia; A 15 year old girl, will be starting a new life and new school year in Korea. I'd be lying saying I'm not extremely nervous. I have to say the thing I'm most excited for is having control over my own life. Yeah I'm so ready for all the party, drinking, sex!!!! Yeah...... That's all a lie I'm pretty sure I'm still going to spend most of my time on the Internet and slowly going crazy from all the school work.
I felt my stomach drop as we land on the ground.
"welcome to South Korea! Home you enjoyed your flight! Blah blah..." I zoned out in the last part. How can the flight attendant still be so happy after that fucking plan ride, and me on the other hand I just what to get out their metal tube of DEATH!
Slowly every one started getting off the plan and I realized there were all lot of people around my age one the same plane but they probably think I'm a fucking toddler. I mean I have the boobs and every thing else, it's just my height.
I finally make my way off the plane and look at my ticket.
Ok so I'm supposed to meet up with the other transfer students here...... Then where am I. Ugh I suck with maps I stop in my tracks to try and figure this out. When someone bumps in to me. I suppose it's my fault for stopping in the middle of a busy airport. I turned around to apologize but stopped to see it was a girl around my age. She looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. As I'm staring at her face trying to figure where I know her from she suddenly says some thing to me.
"I-erm sorry." She says nervously I'm guessing me staring at her in silence must have made her feel awkward.
"Are you an exchange student too?" She ask me. I nodded feeling pretty stupid and awkward for just staring at her. Wow it must be really noticeable that I'm a foreigner. Since we're going to same Same Way we decide to walk together we exchange names and  small talk. I found out her name was Jacqualine Phan.
We came up on a group of group of people all around my age in total 7 Exchange student in clouding me and plus the two teachers that we're going to show us around. As we pile up in the large van I find out there names. Next to me was Gunther Scott he was Irish, next to him was Jacqualine she was Asian and black, then Amber lee she was like Jaqualine,Emerald Clearwater she was British, Felix bronze he was American, and then to my left Luke banks he was British. The teachers were pretty cool I thought they were going to be strict and mean. The female teacher Ms.Lia suggest that we go out for lunch before we go to school. We all agree.
We had rice soup since it was quick and cheap, but hey I'm just happy to have some thing that's not packaged peanuts and frozen bread with frozen butter. NO! Ms. Flight attendant I don't what another club soda!!
After lunch we head over to the school and my breath was taken away. I knew the school was going to be beautiful but wow..... The school made Zoey101 look bad, and let's be honest we all dreamed of going to zoey101. And if you ever watched Ouran high school host club then just imagine that but in real life. Even the name is fancy as fuck. Riverwoods highschool  of virtue and excellence. I could totally get used to saying that. Yeah it was that amazing! Though the only thing that was bothering me was the stares we were getting like we're people too not a freak show. If you want to see actual weird things go watch American horror story season four!!  Mr.Kwon yelled at them and the girls left.
All the males went with Mr.Kwon and the girls with Ms.lia.
We went in to this weird locker room wear they had given us uniforms to change into. The uniform was a plaid skirt ,a button shirt white shirt with a bow tired around the collar, a sweater and a blazer.
I decided to not wear the blazer and just the sweater over the buttoned up shirt. I have to admit the uniform was really cute plus they didn't have a sweater small enough for me so it fits me a bit oversized.
Then we were told to wait there for later instructions. Ms.Lia came in to room and called me out. I was the first to leave they told me I was in room 354. Ms.Lia was nice enough to take me there. This room is basically bigger than my whole house. It had a kitchen the room next to us was connected and we had her own bathroom!! I was the first in the room so you know what that means. I GET FIRST DIBS ON THE BED!! There was a single one and a loft bed. I wanted the Single bed because it had a window right next to where I could see the whole campus. Great for scoping out hot guys right?! I head inside the bath room to put away my stuff when I hear some one entering the room. I peak out the bathroom to see who it was, I wasn't about to just walk out the bathroom what if it was a killer or worse A GHOST!!!
Jacqueline was gawking over her loft bed; i'm guessing she really likes her new bed. I giggled to myself and made my way over to her. Being the awkward person that I am I forgot that I already introduced myself to her. So I held out my hand "I'm Eli Octavia." Ugh I'm such a!!! I quickly take me hand away and try to cover up my awkwardness
"Um so Your a sophomore,right?"
She smiled looking amused. We had time to kill so we talked and got to know one another. We also learned that Amber Lee another foreign exchange student and haru a Korean girl was living in the room connected to ours.
But if we're going to be friends there's one thing I have to know about her......
"so what kind of music are you into?" I asked a simple question but with lava under it. cue diabolical laugh!!
"I like all types, alternative rock and OOO!! And k-pop?" She said with a smile. Yup I can tell were going to be good friends. " I thought you're going to say something like Justin Bieber by Katy Perry" I laughed. She pretended to be offended. I also learned we both know Korean tho hers sounds more natural.
After a few more minutes of talking a bell ring. Ms.lia told us that after the first bell they where going to send a teacher to come get us for some reason.
A female gym yea he met us out side our dorm and we followed her to the gym witch is in the second building. Yeah I said it SECOND BUILDING!! There's like 5 buildings to this school there's the building where you take all your normal classes; math, history and all that good stuff. The the arts and music part, that building is the smallest of the rest of the buildings. The the Athletic building that were all of the athletes meet up. Runners, baseball, football, soccer, swim team ect... You name it they probably have it then the dorms one building is for girls and the other for boys, and I'm sure they have plenty more.
Back in the gym where we were led too , we found out it was like a little welcoming ceremony for us and the ENTIRE SCHOOL WAS THERE! Yup that's right the whole school, and they expected is to introduce our self in front of them?! I'm sure my social awkwardness will get the best of me and I'll do something stupid.
The principal came up first to the stand basically telling all the students who we are and to be nice to us I wasn't really paying any attention because I was to busy gawking at the principal. He was hot which was strange because usually principles were old and fat or a woman which he is none.
One by one we got called up to do our introduction. I'm freaking out meanwhile I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to say I know most of them don't speak English so I have to whip out my best Korean. Even tho i've been studying the language for a couple of years. Settling up snapped out my thoughts by Ms.Lia calling my name.
"Now up next is Eli Octavia" she turns to me and gestures me to come closer. I automatically shake my head "no, no thanks I'm good...." Ugh I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Come on don't be shy" she smiles and pulls my hand up to the stand. I swear I hear about half of the crowd awe when the see me..... I position the mic down to my mouth, I try and seem tall so stand on my tippy toes
"H-hello I'm Eli Octavia and I hope you can help my find way around school because I'm really bad with directions thanks" I smile at the students and walk back. I can hear jacqueline trying to keep in her laughs.
We all go back to our dorm mentally drained from public speaking Haru suggested netfilx so that's what we did all night. Besides me a jacky fighting over who gets to use the charger next

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