Chapter two: jacqualine

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Jacqualine's P.O.V

Waking up to an alarm like in the movies is way more horrifying than it seems.When the alarm rang I immediately screamed and fell out of my loft bed and let me tell you,it hurts more than it sounds.I groaned and turned on my back.
Eli threw a pillow at me,"Shhhhhh."she put a finger up to her lip with her eyes still closed.I rolled my eyes,its becoming a habit.
"Yah,wakeup!Don't wanna be late for your first day!"She just waved me off.Haru was already dressed and ready for class.
"You guys are gonna be late in thee next 20 minutes."That surely made Eli shoot out of bed.Amber was coming right out of the bathroom when we started pushing our way in.She shook her head at us and walked to her room.
I brushed my teeth and rinsed with mouthwash as I put my hair in two dutch braids.
My shirt was unbuttoned and my skirt was twisted,I quickly fixed myself with fidgety hands.I buttoned up two buttons of my blazers,put on my knee socks,and hightop converse.
I waited for Eli and we both headed out.I was trying to follow a map walking aimlessly and I ran into someone."Oomph!"their chest was hard and I flew to the floor.I got myself off the floor and dusted myself off."I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and-"he put a hand up to stop me from talking.He had wireless headphones in,he was rather handsome but his face held a cold expression.He just got his things and walked away,I just frowned and Eli entwined our arms and we carried on looking for first period.
We came across a man,he looked like a teacher,"Do you happen to know where Teacher Woon's class is?"He sighed.A boy with white hair and the most adorable glasses I've ever seen walked by."Ahhh,Neramith would you please take these young ladies to Mrs.Woon's class?"He looked as if he had no choice,he closed his book and led us the way."So your name is Neramith huh?"I asked.He nodded,"That's a cool ass name."

"I think we're gonna be best friends!"Eli shouted causing her to get shushed by a   by a guard."Yeah!"I whispered-shouted.
He let out a silent chuckle and what could be acalled a smile appeared on his usual emotionless face.
As if on cue we both locked our arms with his and he quickly shook us off and carried on down the hallway."He totally loves us."Eli assured.Yeah,right.Neramith and I snorted at the same time.Neramith got us inside the classroom and exchanged a few words with her and departed.

I turned toward the class and all eyes were on us.I bit my bottom lip and scratched the back of my neck when I spotted a empty seat in the front of the class so I took it,leaving Eli to find a seat away from me.

"Now that our two new students decided to join us we can start class."Throughout the lesson I could hear whispers and people threw paperballs at me trying to get my attention,but I ignored them and tried to gain something from my first lesson.
"Today we will be reading one of the greatest English literatures of all time.No Fear Shakespeare,Romeo and Juliet."A wolf whistle cut her off."Thanks for your interest Jihyun.Now everyone will be reading a part and if you don't get a role,you will get a 0 for your participation grade today."
To that everyone let out sounds of dismay,"Silence,"everyone quieted down,"Now,who will be the chorus?"
A rather tall boy raised his hand,"I will,I can sing."he bragged.And as she went on she was getting upset and started making people play roles because no one would raise their hand for one."Lady Montague?"She looked around and no one raised their hand or made eye contact. I inwardly sighed and raised my hand,"I'll do it."She gave me a grateful smile and carried on.

We started reading and most of us were confused because it used words like thy,thou,maidenhead and so she gave in and let us read the translated version.
Two boys who were playing the characters of Sampson and Abram read."You mean however they dare I'll bite my thumb at them.That's an insult,and if they let me get away with it they'll be dishonored."Hoshi who was taking the role of Sampson said.

"Hey,are you biting your thumb at us?"

"I'm biting my thumb."

"Are you biting your thumb at us?"

Teacher Woon stopped them in mid sentence and said,back then the biting of them thumb was seen as disrespectful like putting up your middle finger.At this I turned to Eli,when we came in eye contact I bit my thumb at her and we both laughed.

A small melody played,"Break time everyone,I will see you back in thirty minutes."she left the class.The class that was once quiet had let all hell break loose.

I walked over to Eli and sat on her desk."Ay new girl!"someone shouted in Korean,both of us looked in the direction of the voice.I pointed to myself as to ask if they meant me."Ne,naneun."Which meant yes,you.It was a girl she looked nice,she had two other girls behind her a smile plastered onto her face."You must be Jack-o-lantern."
"It's Jacqualine."I said slightly annoyed."I meant what I said."The girl replied.A chorus of oooo's could be heard."Aha,I'll let you off the hook since this is your first time crossing me so be careful on how you talk to me."she said getting up in my face.Is this girl really trying to fight me on my first day?The actual fuck.
I let out a fake laugh and gave her two short claps."You amuse me,am I supposed to be scared?Now let me tell you something,I'll let you off the hook since it's your first time crossing me,next time I won't be so kind.Okay?Okay."I turned and walked away."Kitty fight,meow."some idiot said.
I rolled my eyes,"You people bore me."I got my bag and decided to ditch the rest of the class period.I looked for the library which I luckily found without the help of the map.It was quiet and peaceful, something I definitely needed.The only person besides me was the boy I ran into earlier.

He was reading a rather big book,I tilted my head to see the title,'War & Peace'.Was this kid serious?I love reading but I didn't even get to the tenth chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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