Over a year ago

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A/N: So this is the first chapter! Are you just as excited as me? Please please please don’t forget to comment (facebook people- comment on the link I have posted on my page: MissSD) I would really appreciate it because usually I get the reads but not the votes or the comments.... oh yes and the fans, wattpad members please fan if you like this story, and vote! I only takes a fraction of a second and seriously! What have you got to lose?

Thank you! And don’t forget to smile :)


Chapter 1- Over a year ago

I stood terrified beside Oliver, the two policemen facing us. I knew Olly had done it, but he didn’t do it consciously! What a stupid thing to say right? But it was true! Olly had stolen that TV when he was drunk; and I mean totally out of it drunk, like trying to stuff a whole 5kg  watermelon into his mouth whole! No, I am (unfortunately) not kidding. His drunken thieving act was why we stood there today, in the middle of a supermarket’s parking lot at midnight on June 12th 2010.

The policemen looked fierce and ready to shoot us any second. We had to think of a plan. Think Natalie, think! It wasn’t worth it. The cops were waiting for a confession. Oliver was about to give in any second. Slowly he raised his head to look at me. Oliver, my best friend, tears were filling his eyes; threatening to spill any moment. He looked like a helpless puppy, pleading for some unthinkable way out of what seemed to be his fate. We had been informed that whoever stole the TV would face probably a year in prison after the trial. They knew it was one of us, CCTV and all that.

But it was only ONE of us. It was Olly. I squeezed my eyes as tightly as possible, trying to wake up from the nightmare. It was no use. Oliver’s eyes were boring into my skull, it felt like the intensity of his gaze was melting my brain. The regret and pain in his dark blue eyes was unmistakeable. Then I saw it, the little flicker in the edge of his eyes. He was going to confess. In the next few moments, my best friend will be taken to jail while all I could do was watch, unaided, powerless.

He straightened his back, closing his eyes, looking up towards the sky, probably trying to memorize the feeling of the cool night breeze on his arms and the feeling of the whole moment. I swallowed. He took a breath. No!

Without thinking, I took a step forward.

“I did it. It was me who stole the TV from the store.” I said without any break in my voice which I was glad about. It would have given away the lie. I glanced back to Olly. His mouth hung slightly open in shock, but his eyes showed compassion and a silent ‘thank you’.

“No. No! She’s lying! It wasn’t her! It was me!” He yelled, stepping closer to the cops who were most likely enjoying the show. I stayed calm, trying not to show my fear. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to keep the tears back. What was I doing?

“No, Oliver. Don’t lie. It was me. You know it was me. Just...leave.” One of the men nodded and grabbed my arms, pulling me towards the police car, it’s lights flashing into the cold, dark night, possibly the worst night of my life.

Those were the last words I said to my best friend, before the policemen took me away without struggle. I can still remember the look on his face. The regret. The caring, the fear. He knew what was going to happen to me. It wasn’t like I was going to die. But as the cops put me inside the car, and as the wind howled, I started to wonder for the first of many times to follow...Why did I do it?


Over a year later:

I could have just let them take him. Why did I do it? I still-after a whole year in this metal can- don’t have a clue! Did I regret putting myself forward to help out my best friend? Of course not! Oliver’s parents would have killed him if they knew he was drunk. They would consider murdering eachother for their failure son, if they found out he stole a TV and was about to go to jail. But...would he have done the same for me? I’m not sure...What? He’s your best friend! Of course he would have! The little voice in my head had been my company during the past year. I was seriously getting annoyed by it!

Oh, The Things I Do for You (previously called 'Taking the Blame')Where stories live. Discover now