Parents and Memories

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Oh. My. Great-Aunt-Dorothy! This had to be one of the longest nights of my life. Two words. The two little words that made me want to grab that bread roll next to me, and hit someone.

Olly's parents.

I sat in their house, 7 hours after Olly and I had met up, chewing on the duck.

Olly's mother sat diagonally from me, her back straight, elbow just hanging off the edge of the table in a posh manner. Her expression was one of suspicion and uncertainty. I'm pretty sure I also saw a bit of frustration in there too. Her pricing blue-grey eyes occasionally glanced my way. By glanced, I mean she occasionally Olly's mother tried to throw daggers at me with her eyes. Perfectly painted thin lips were fixed as a permanent frown on her wrinkly face, as if it had been stuck on with super glue. I found myself giggling at her various expressions throughout the evening, only mentally of course.

As for Olly's father, he sat opposite me. His bald head reflecting the light from the over-fancy chandelier hanging above us, he bowed his head and ate, not getting involved in the conversation at all. It was clear that he was in a poor condition, he moved slowly, making him look vulnerable.

Olly continued to talk...and talk...and talk...and talk...and talk and talk and talk! He never stopped talking! The plan/mission was simple: make 'us' look believable. I must add that Olly was never one to simply give a show; he had to give a show, a dance, sing a song, all while balancing a plate of fries on his head. When he went, he went all out.

He spoke for hours on end, though in reality, it was only 6 in the evening. It must be said however that his mother was determined to squeeze every drop of juice out of him. She was not convinced that her son had found a fitting partner in his best friend. While she knew nothing of my imprisonment (which surprised me) I couldn't help but feel like she was looking down on me from her snooty little rich nose. Olly's parents had never truly excepted me, largely due to my orphan background. I had become somewhat used to it by then though.

Everything was going well at the dinner table. The meal Olly's parents' chef had prepared consisted of a delicious duck curry and large grain rice, arranged all posh and fancy on a dark blue china plate in front of me. Olly did all the speaking, I was never sure if I should add to anything he said, in fear of saying something I'd regret.

By the time the evening ended, it looked like Olly mother was convinced of our 'relationship'. We said goodbye, grabbed our coats and left the house, joking about Olly's mother and her constant suspicious questioning. We were nearly at the foot of the dirt path when Olly suddenly pulled me into a tight embrace. I hugged him back. Slowly he positioned his head so that e was whispering in me ear.

"Let's give them a show." he said, signalling to the silhouettes of the man and the woman in the window of one of the rooms in the house we'd left.

With that one sentence, he whipped me round so that my back was parallel to the ground below me, and I faced Olly, who kissed me passionately. I was taken by surprise, a line of fireworks spread down my back from my lips. He pulled back and glancing back once more to his parents, slipped his hand into mine with a cheeky devilish smile. I rolled my eyes and climbed into the car in front of me.

"I think they're really hooked now." I spoke once we were both surrounded by the sounds of Radio 1 and the warmth of Olly's car.

"I know." He responded as I yawned, suddenly feeling very tired... Too much had happened in one short day.


I awoke underneath heavy covers. At first the rooms was unfamiliar but as I soon recognised my bedroom in our flat. Olly and I moved into a flat, only two years ago. He said he needed to get away from his parents and their constant drama, while I just couldn't turn down the offer. Before, I was living in an orphanage but now I lived with my best friend in a massive two bedroom, two ensuite, studio flat.

Oh, The Things I Do for You (previously called 'Taking the Blame')Where stories live. Discover now