Stares in a different direction

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Cut me some slack here please I suck at povs

Naruto pov
I woke up... I hate waking up.
I walked to school, alone as usual. The dream kept playing back in my mind. Those hands, they were freezing, but in fire, unlike anything else. They were manly, but soft, but why manly? Is it because I'm gay? Wait am I gay?

I might be gay

I mean I do find some guys cute... But is that enough to make me gay?

Anyway, I got ready for school and headed out dressed in my light blue jeans, orange long sleeve, even though it's hot as hell outside, I ran out of the skin colored makeup, and a pair of raggedy black shoes I've had for years.

After putting on my clothes I put on the most important, but still the most fake, part of my outfit, my smile. Cheery, but not so cheery it's fake, but just cheery enough that it fools everyone.

That word is so annoying "cheery" who the fuck even says that?


I jogged on to school and hoped the menacing stares wouldn't be to bad.

Funny thing was, as soon as I got to school, I snuck past the people. I didn't even have to sneak, apparently there is a new kid, so everyone was staring at him.

I got a short glimpse of him and my heart started pounding. What is this feeling? If only I had a chance.

I looked up at the beautiful boy and for about two seconds out eyes locked. I quickly jerked my head away trying to hide the obvious blush. He looked really confused, and a bit hurt, I think. Nah, nobody likes me, it's not like they're gonna start now.

Anyway, the new kid was in all of my classes. Everyone was staring at him, he was staring at me.

The day finally ended and I thought I was safe. Walking with some confidence, I slipped out of the building at the final bell. I thought I was going to make it a whole day without a scratch.

"Yo worthless!" a silverish-purple eyed, brown haired, self centered, bully named Neji called out.

"You didn't think we'd forget about your punishment did you?" he cackled out with maniacal laughter.

"You're such a fucking disgrace! You need your punishment for being alive! You didn't think we'd forget did you?!" his little panda bear sidekick Tenten hissed out.

I mumbled "I kinda hoped" just quiet enough so that they wouldn't hear me.

"Shikamaru pin him!" Neji barked at the lazy pineapple headed boy. Shikamaru isn't a bad person, he is a cool guy. He's good at video games, card games, skill games, and especially board games like chess and checkers. He just, like I said, is lazy, needed the money, and doesn't really care.

Shikamaru slipped out from the shadows and grabbed my arms, holding me in front of him like a human shield.

Neji threw a punch at me, hitting me dead in the face, while Tenten mauled my gut. I coughed quiet a bit and lost most of my vision, but they didn't stop. Eventually I blacked out to escape the pain.

When I awoke it was dark and I couldn't see an inch in front of my face, half the darkness, half the pain. I still blundered on, tripping and falling, until I finally made it to the safety of my home. I poorly stitched up my wounds before doing my homework and going to bed. I was so hungry, but, because of my poor budget, I had no food left to eat.

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