Chapter 1

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I sigh as I close my locker. Today has been a long day at school, but finals are over!

"Hey Summer!" I turn around and see my best friend Jade running towards me. "Mr. Parsons wants to see you in his room" she says once she is standing next to me.

"Did he say why?" I ask her as she shakes her head no catching her breath

"Dang I'm out of shape" she says making me laugh. "Oh shut up and go" I roll my eyes and walk to my English teachers room.

"What do you need Mr. Parsons?" I ask looking into the room but see no one. "Uhhh hello? Anyone in here?" I look around the room finding no one. I shrug and turn around to walk out the door but I bump into someone making them spill their drink all over me.

"I'm so sorry Summer! I came in here to get my notebook that I left in here and I didn't even see you I'm so sorry!" I look up and see Sara

"It's okay schools over for the day anyways"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. Do you know where Mr. Parsons is?" just as I say this he walks in and says "Yeah I'm right here. Also, Summer I was hoping to talk to you about your essay you turned in." he sits down at his desk. Sara walks in grabs her note book and walks back out.

"What do you need to talk about sir?"

"I know your very good at those adult coloring page things and very creative so I was hoping you could help me and color one for my wife? I know it's weird but she really likes them and she wants one colored. And about your Essay it was flawless" I nod and rip one out of the book and hand it to him.

"She can have that one. Is there anything else you need?"

"No and thank you"

"You're welcome" I walk out

I walk outside the school and go to the parking lot where my friend Jacob is waiting in his truck. He's a junior and he always drives me home. I open the door, climb in, and close the door back.

"What happened to you? Your soaked" I look at him Jacob is a pretty acttractive guy I must admit but he's not my type. He has black hair his bangs are always up with gel he's got bright green eyes and some muscles like he's got abs.

"Sara accidentally spilled her drink all over me"


"Yeahhhhh. Anyways let's go" He starts the truck, pulls out and onto the road.

++++++++fast forward through time time time++++++++++++++++++++++++

Jacob pulls into my drive way parking. He starts to get out. "Whoa whoa whoa what are you doing?"

"Oh come on Summer! I've never been inside your house and I want to."

"Maybe another time not today. Bye Jacob." I get out shutting the door and walking inside. I look out the window and watch him drive off. I know he wants to come in here but I can't let him know about Claire, not yet anyway.

I walk upstairs and see dad holding her making me smile. My dad has been so supportive of me these past years.

I walk In front of him and see my beautiful baby girl giggling. I smile and pick her up from my dad's arms and hold her. She has her dad's black hair but my hazel eyes. She's beautiful.

"When did you get home dad?"

"About ten minutes ago I told Stella she could go home"

"Ahh okay thank you I don't know what we would do without her cause I can't get a job till I'm 16"

"Yeah I know"

"Well anyways I'm going to walk to Nanny's she's been wanting to see Claire"

"Alright be careful love you"

"Love you too" I take her downstairs and I set her in her stroller and buckle her up "now your ready to roll baby girl" I tickle her a little making her laugh. She's super ticklish like me.

I walk out the door pushing her stroller.

We make it to the house and I walk right in, I never knock. "Hey Nanny I brought Claire over" I smile at my grandmother as she picks Claire up and holds her for a bit before she puts her down, I watch her walk around. We both watch her when my grandmother speaks "she's gotten so big I can't believe she's already over a year old. She should be saying her first word soon"

"I know time has flew by. Also, I've been trying with her to get to say stuff she's been trying it's cute."

After staying there for around an hour I take Claire back home.

"I'm back dad" I say intering the kitchen holding Claire's hand as she walks slowly next to me making me smile.

I look around and don't see dad but I see a note on the counter. It reads: I'm sooo sorry munchkin I had a last minute thing at work to do they called me in. I should be home around 1am. Don't wait up for me you still have school tomorrow. You can order a pizza or fix something whatever you want to do there is $100 ,just in case you need anything or want to eat at a restaurant or something, taped to the back. I'll be back as soon as I can I love you so much and Claire too -Lots of love Dad.

I sigh and squat down in front of Claire "looks like it's just us tonight girly" I stand up "or maybe not I think I'm ready" my hands shake a little as I pull out my phone and dial Jacob's number.

He answers on the third ring "Hello?"

"Hey Jacob can you come over I have someone I want you to meet"

And first chapter is finished!!💁🙆 sorry to cut it off there but heyyy I have to get a way to keep people interested 😉😉 Anyways hello people I'm Angel (yes that's my real name) yahh I'm 13🙈 don't like kill me or whatever cause I'm young if you like my book my age shouldn't matter lol anyways I hope y'all liked this chapter.....The Beginning..... Also if you are a fan of Divergent and want to read a divergent Fanfiction I would be so please if you read it it makes me happy😁 Any who ha Vote⭐Comment💬

Peace from the Turtle Queen👑🐢✌

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