Chapter 2

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I'm pacing around the room like a mad woman. I can't believe I'm actually going to tell Jacob about what happened to me and let him meet Claire. I mean I've not even told Jade yet.

I'm brought back from my racing mind when I hear Claire whining. I walk towards her and see her rubbing her head a little. She must have fell and hit her head.

I get closer and pick her up.

I'm trying to calm her down a little when the doorbell rings. I take a deep breath and walk to the door. I open it and see him.

"Come on in" He walks in. "You can look around if you want I'm going to try and calm her down."

After a little while she calms down. I smile at her and kiss her head lightly where she hit it. She points to the floor and I put her down. She walks towards the living room and I walk behind her.

Once we get in the living room I see Jake looking sitting on the couch. Claire sits where her toys are in the floor and I change the channel on the T.V. to something she likes to watch sometimes. I turn the volume down some so me and Jacob can talk. I walk back to the couch and sit next to him.

"What's the WI-FI password?" I laugh and point to a paper on the wall I made it says
'For people who need Wi-Fi:
username- batgirl3
password- t1u2r3t4l5e6s7'
Once he's connected to the internet he sits back down. "Who is she?"

"My daughter."

"What's her name?"


"How old is she?"

"A little over a year. Her birthday is April 20th."

"What happened? Like how did you get pregnant?"

"I was rapped and I was in that one percent of rape cases that end up with a pregnancy."


"Yeah and it'll probably be a while before you hear the story of the rape or whatever, cause I don't think I'm ready to talk to anyone about what happened, cause I already relive is almost every night."

"That's okay I understand."

"Thank you but just so you know I am not ashamed of my daughter in anyway."

"Good cause she's adorable and looks a lot like you"

"Thank you"

"No problem but is she why you were a new student at school and the end of last year?"

"Well kinda but mainly because my dad bought a new house cause we needed a bigger one and he got a new job higher up in the company in a different building."



"Well now that I've met her I want to be the father figure in her life."

"But we're friends not dating."

"Yeah yeah I know but she needs a father figure and I'll be there always for her no matter what."

"Thank you Jake." I smile at him And he smiles back. I look over at Claire and smile.

"Can I pick her up?"

"Go ahead." He gets up, walks towards her and picks her up. She puts her legs around him a little like she does to me all the time. He holds her up by her butt and he's other hand is on her back.

"You're so beautiful baby girl." He smiles at her and starts tickling her. She starts laughing making me smile, I love her laugh.

"Aye Jake I'm going to order some pizza I'm starving. You want pepperoni, onion, sausage, and bacon?"

"You know that's my favorite, but what is she going to eat?"

"She's still on milk but I've been giving her bites here and there of stuff to let her try it, so she can try the pizza."

"Alright go order it I've got her." I go to the kitchen and just use the landline phone instead of my phone. I order the pizzas and give them my address. Once they tell me the total I hang up.

I walk back into the living room and see Jake walking fast around the room with Claire above him in his arms. She's got her arms out like supermam. Jake is making sounds like wind is going by making Claire laugh.

I smile at them. I can't believe I waited this long to tell Jacob about Claire. She loves him already.

Before I know it the door bell rings. I get 30 dollars from the money my dad left and go to the door. Jake put Claire in her high chair and now is standing next to me.

I open up the door. Now who do you think it is? Some acne faced teenager? You wish he's my worst nightmare.

"Summer?" I shudder at his voice I know it's him I could recognize his jet black hair anywhere.

"Just give me the pizza and get out. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine the total is $25 and a kiss." Jake puts his arm across my shoulders.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen how old are you like 30? She's 15." Jake says as I just stand there not even believing that this is happening.

"I've done it before and more." He winks causing me to shiver, which makes him laugh. "Fine no kiss but seriously pay me already."

Jake takes the pizza to the kitchen. When he's back in the room I reach my hand out with the money shaking a little. Aaron sees this and he smirks. He grabs my wrist pulls me to him and kisses me. He puts his arms around my back so I can't get away, even with me hitting his chest. He grabs my butt making me hit him harder.

Finally Jake must have realized he was kissing me cause he pushes him off of me and starts punching him. Nose. Cheek. Jaw. Side. Stomach. Once he does all that he kicks him where the sun don't shine, then he walks back inside.

Once he closes and locks the door he hugs me tight. I hug him back as I cry a little into his chest. "Shh don't cry if you cry Claire will start crying and I don't like seeing you cry." He pulls back and wipes my tears. I smile up at him and he smiles back.

I step back and walk to the kitchen. I get a piece of pizza and tear it into little bites for Claire.

I give her one of the smallest ones and she loves it. I smile. I watch her get a few more bites. Then she picks one up and stretches her arm out to me. "Thank you baby but I'm not hungry." I tell her but she doesn't seem to believe me cause she doesn't stop. So I just let her give it to me.

After I think she's had enough pizza I giver her a bottle with milk and help her hold it up.

"I know that you're hungry you just don't feel like eating." Jake says as he eats another slice.

"Yeah you're right."

"You need to eat."

"I will later."

Once Claire is done drinking her milk she gets really tired so I take her to bed it is almost 8, her bed time. I read her a book till she falls asleep.I go back downstairs and see Jake about to leave.

"I'm really sorry I can't stay."

"It's okay I'm just worried cause my rapist knows where I live.

Wow guys another chapter done. Yay! Anyways if you guys have read my other book that's a fanfiction you know that there is a rape victim in it and no I'm not some freak that wants to be raped and no I haven't been raped I just feel like the people that have been raped are so strong and I guess I'm supporting them I dunno but I hope y'all liked this chapter!

Peace from the Turtle Queen👑🐢✌

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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