3: New School Mascot

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A/N: Creds to Lucayasex on Instagram for the chapter's pic. Love her account so much.

Maya's P.O.V

"I can't wait for the game this Saturday. They're all practicing right now and the cheerleaders and mascot are doing their routine for half time. I love half time." Riley said to me, I smiled and nodded.

"I can't wait to see how the game goes, last year we lost but this year, the team is looking good and hotter too." I grinned. Riley rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You're never ganna change are you?" She said smiling.

"Never. Especially not for anyone else." I said and meant it.

As we walked to art class we seen our college medical staff run down the hall to the teacher and the mascot and rush him to the medical room.

"Oh my god... Yogi!" Riley said to herself and rushed over to see if he was okay.

My plan worked perfectly, the little twat deserved it. You wanna know why I called him a creep yesterday? It was because he had a photo of me in the gym shower cubical, the door was shut but the bottom and top was open. That's how he must of got it. He's always carrying around his selfie stick so he must've used that!? Ugh it makes me sick just thinking about it.

I was about to follow Riley but I got stopped by my head teacher, Mr. Collins.

"Miss Hart, please come with me." He said and lead the way to his office.

We reached his office and sat in there was the Coach and a different mascot suit in the corner. I walked in his office and sat down in the seat opposite his desk.

"Do you know why I've called you in?" Mr. Collins asked.

"Nope." I said confidently but I have a feeling that they know what I did.

"Yesterday, the cameras caught you sabotaging the college mascot's suit, Maya. And as proven today, the suit has caused Yogi a severe rash on his face. Can you tell us what it is that was put in the head of the suit?" Mr. Collins explained.

"Ivy." I stated with no expression. "But he deserved it." I defended after.

"Why?" Mr. Collins raised his eyebrow and the Coach sat in the chair next to me showing me a scowl.

"Yesterday, I found a picture of me in Yogi's folder." I said.

"It's just a picture-"

"Of me in the gym showers!" I interrupted the Coach. They both fell silent and Mr. Collins sighed.

"I can't suspend you for what you've done, given your reason. But I can however punish you. So, as a result of you sabotaging the suit and hurting our school mascot, Coach and I have come to the conclusion that you will be the new mascot for the next 3 games." He announced and my eyes bulged out my head.

"What! Fuck no!" I shouted and stood up.

"Language, Maya." Mr. Collins warned sternly.
"Today after school you will go and learn the routine for half time." He said and sat down in his seat.
"And if you refuse, I will fail you for every subject and expel you."

I can't fail... How am I supposed to move to uni and leave the hellhole I call home?

"Fine." I gave in. "But on one condition." I said and Mr. Collins nodded for me to go on.
"You don't tell anyone that I'm in the suit. Let the team and everyone think it's Yogi." I stated and the Coach and Mr. Collins exchanged glances.

"You have a deal." Mr. Collins put his hand out and I shook it.

"I don't want to see you in here again, Miss Hart." Collins said as I started to walk out.

"No promises." I smirked and walked out.


It was now History, my favourite lesson with the sexual freak and I was sat down at my desk. Lucas was sat behind me talking with Zay over something but I couldn't hear because they we're talking too quietly.

Lucas' P.O.V

"Why did you lie to Josh yesterday about Maya having a boyfriend?" Zay whispered to me, pointing at Maya.

I looked at Maya and smiled.

"Because... I-" Should I tell him?
"Have you not seen our banter and flirting? You really think I'm ganna let Josh ruin my chances with Maya after how far I've gotten to getting to her." I whispered back.
"And plus it's not a lie if she does have a boyfriend soon..." I add.

"Wait wait wait... You like Hart!" He whispered in shock.

"Yeah..." I said, looking away.

"Is Lucas Friar blushing!" He smirked pinching my cheek. I laughed and whacked his hand off my face.
"Well no wonder I've been feeling the sexual tension between you guys lately..." He said and as I was about to reply when Mr. Matthews walked in.

"Alright class. Today we're ganna study the Cold War." He said and started writing stuff on the board.

Was Maya and I's flirting really sexual tension?


Half way through the lesson Mr. Matthews had left the classroom to use the toilet.

Maya had started a debate with the class over what was better, being a Vampire or a Wolf. She was a Wolf fan and started arguing with Riley and other class mates. To be honest as a Teen Wolf fan, I was all for being a wolf, an Alpha to be exact.

"Werewolves can't fight." Dave argued.

"Yes they fucking can. Their power is what makes them strong and aggressive. Vampires can only move really fast and drink your blood." Maya argued.

"At least by moving fast they won't get hurt unlike werewolves." Darby then joined in.

Maya stood up and stood at the front of the class.

"Werewolves heal!"

"Vampires never age." Sarah added.

"Wolves get sexier once they've fully evolved." Maya smirked and glanced at me before carrying on arguing. Oh... Did she just call me sexy?

Another minute passed and Maya got frustrated. These people are idiots of course Werewolves are better than Vampires. Being a werewolf has more advantages.

"You're all stupid!" Maya yelled and I finally spoke up.

"Okay! Maya, I think that's enough." I said and looked around at the class as they silenced.

"I'll decide if its enough, Friar. Now shut your mouth." She demanded. That was hot as fuck... I want her to demand for me to fuck her good and leave her body trembling- not now Friar!

"Oh yeah? And what if I don't?" I smirked.

"Then I will kiss you so hard that every time you think about it you'll have to change your underwear." She smirked back and my breath hitched as the image of her kissing my body came into my head.

I smirked in lust and sat back down in my seat.

That sexual tension's real.


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