7: Mayaville

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Lucas' P.O.V


My alarm went off and I kept my eyes closed while slamming the alarm clock off. I stayed in bed for another 5 minutes before brushing my teeth and getting into the shower.

After 10 minutes, I was out and put my clothes on. I wore my black jeans and denim button up shirt. Sprayed some aftershave on then styled my hair.

"Lucas, we're having dinner with my colleagues tonight. You either come or you don't." My mom yells when I get downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab something to eat. I grabbed an apple and water, and stuffed it in my bag.

"I won't be able to make it. I have basketball practice tonight." I tell her and she nods.

"Okay, that's fine honey just make sure you're back before 7. Your father and I would like to talk to you." She says when I walk out the kitchen to the front door.

"Will do." I answer and head out to school.

Once I'm at the school, I meet Farkle, Zay and Josh at the lockers.

"Sup, guys." I fist bump them and open my locker to grab my gym bag but a stench prevents me from going near my locker.

"What the fuck is that smell, man!?" Zay freaks, holding his nose.

"I dunno!" I reply and take my gym bag out.

"It smells like off fish, bruh." Josh laughs.

I get more and more frustrated as I can't find where the smell is coming from in the locker. There was nothing.

"What about your bag?" Farkle asks, holding his nose too.

I lift it up and move it straight away. Yep, it was the bag.

I opened it up and seen a white bag with something in it and a note stuck to it.

'Smells like someone has Trimethylaminuria.'

I scrunched the note in my hand and threw the bag in the bin and slammed my locker shut.

"Fucking, bitch." I growl and storm to where I knew she would be.

I headed towards the Art block and seen her standing there looking all perfect and innocent. She was talking to Riley.

I shook my head and clenched my jaw as I walked up to her.

"You think that was funny!?" I say through gritted teeth and pulled her to the side. I clenched her arm and looked her in the eye. Anger was still radiating off me.

"Lucas! Let her go!" Riley shrieks from a short distance.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"Don't. Touch. Me." She smirks and grabs my wrist and moves my hand. How?

"Why the fuck did you do that to my kit? I question again.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Ranger Rick." She says, smirking and looking hot.

"You know exactly what I'm taking about with this stupid Mayaville shit you said yesterday." I say through gritted teeth.

"Oh that!? You're not scared of a little dead fish are ya?" She says in a fake Texan accent.

"I don't talk like that. Now you listen here, Hart; you pull another stunt like this, I will finish you." I threat. She pulls me close so we're face to face and speaks.

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