Chapter 1

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"Hey, wake up. Your almost late for work." A voice whispered. Was I dreaming still? I don't know. Probably.

"....Huh?" I replied, tiredly. I probably was dreaming... right?

"I SAID WAKE UP!" The voice yelled. And I felt something hard but soft hit my face. A pillow maybe-

"AHHH!!!" I screamed and stood up from my bed, I'm guessing I got hit with a pillow 2 times. I yawned and rubbed my eyes a few times before finally getting a clear view of what's in front of me. And what else would it be? It was Monica, or as I usually call her; Moni.

"Finally, geez. You've woken up." She groaned and rolled her eyes, "You know, if you would sleep earlier these days, you wouldn't a freakin' pillow to the face." She groaned again.

"I know, I know." I sighed. Moni wasn't a morning person, but she doesn't like being late for work. I pretty much don't care and I'd careless for being late, but she wakes me up always to drag me along with her since Starbucks and the supermarket are just a few yards away from each other. And I'm not a morning person either, so that's that. "I'll get up soo-"

"NOW." She demanded. I looked up at her and she had an upset look. It looks like she's almost going to lose it, and when she loses it... I don't even know anymore. She's terrifying.

"A-Alright, alright. Just give me a second, fucks sake." I scratched my head furiously and groaned. She sighed heavily and left, "... Just... just take your time. Breakfast's at the table, okay?" She smiled.

I smiled back, "Sure. I'll be there in a sec." She left and closed the door gently. Oh well. I guess she's feeling sympathy for me now since I sounded sad from that sudden outburst of hers... she's adorable that way. Every time she would get angry at me, she would quickly calm down and feel bad for bursting out at me and act nice and kind to me. It's so goddamn cute. <3

Anyways, I tiredly stood up from my bed and turned on the lights, I hissed as the light blinded my eyes. I fixed my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door to the bathroom door and the first thing I took off was my shirt- hey, wait. No peeking. This ain't some fucking R-18 fanfiction, go away.


Minutes later, I'm already dressed up in my uniform for Starbucks and we were walking towards our workplaces. For breakfast, our food was some good ol' bacon and eggs. Simple yet tasty. She even cooked them, in fact, which is kinda cool. I mean, she can cook real good but cooking bacon and eggs that good was fucking insane, man. Like... damn. Anyways, we're currently walking down the street, talking about stuff while I drink some coffee I bought from a nearby coffee shop.

"... Do you think I should get new undies?" Moni said, looking at herself. She also was wearing her uniform for her job, and now... she seems to be adjusting herself and looking at weird places. By weird, I mean.. you know. YOU KNOW.

I almost choked on my coffee, "Pfft... wha?" I spat out my coffee then tilted my head, looking at her weirdly. "The fuck? Y'know, y-you could've just said that in your mind."

She giggled, "It's not my kind of thing. Sowwy." She smiled, "And besides... we both know you started imagining me in lingerie." She laughed and I got red on my cheeks immediately.

"F-F-F-F-FUCK NO! W-WHY WOULD I-I THINK O-OF THAT...?" I nervously said, stuttering while feeling heat in my cheeks. I'm blushing so fucking hard right now. God... why did she even mention lingerie? And... "And why lingerie? You said undies!" She laughed again. God, this girl sometimes.

"I was just kidding, Marki." She said, winking. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "But still, I really think I do need new ones. Old ones are getting too tight." She said, fixing herself. Now that she mentioned it, she really did need new undies since she was feeling really uncomfortable these days..... fucking hell; now I'm thinking all kinds of stuff. Brain. No. Stahp. "We'll buy some on the weekend, alright? Now shut up." I groaned.

"Aww. Alright, fine. I'll stop teasing you... for now." She giggled while I groaned again. One of her 'weapons' was teasing and, boy... is she good at it.

"You should stop it forever." I rolled my eyes.

She smirked at me and put her arm around me, she had a bit of trouble doing that since she's like 4'10 and I'm 5'5 but she did managed to do it. Somehow. "Oh shush, you know you like it." She beamed a smile and giggled after. Well, she is adorable but she is one annoying piece of shit as well. Oh well, I don't mind.

I looked around while we were talking more and stuff, observing my surroundings. Well, you'd expect it to be busy right now since it's a weekday, but at this hour and quite early-ish in the morning... it's not that busy at all. It will get HELLA busy soon though- I'm not kidding. As of now, it's quite.. the calm and not-so-busy California but skip to... oh, I don't know, like an hour later and you'll see the streets buzzing with people and traffic and shit. To avoid that commotion, we always head out by 7 AM since we both start work at 8. Our work shift ends by- well, mine ends by 8 PM while Moni's shift ends by 7, so she often hangs out there when she's done with work and waits for me. So, that's that explained.

"Hey." She said, calling my attention. I looked at her and she was feeling a bit sad for some reason, "Yeah? What's up? You alright?" She sighed in reply and walking slowly now. She's probably thinking of th-

"Yeah... I'm fine. It's just... the rent, you know?" She said, hanging her head while walking more slowly. I knew it, she was thinking about it. I could sense the aura coming from her... ".... I... I know." I sighed. For being such a positive girl all the time, she worries a lot as well.

We pay rent every month and it's sometimes troublesome for us but the owner of the establishment is a real nice dude and he always says to us to take our time if we're late and stuff. I'm cool with it but Moni always worries over it. This girl sometimes...

"What if he'll actually lose it when we don't pay...? What if he'll kick us out? What if... what if..." She said, shaking a bit. Oh yeah, he also reminded us yesterday to pay in case we forgot. I sighed at the thought and looked at her, "He's not going to. We always pay every month right? Let's get our monthly salary tomorrow and we'll be able to pay it by Saturday, okay?"

She looked up and beamed a smile at me, "...Okay." And she stopped in her tracks and hugged me. I could feel my cheeks heating up and shit... damnit, I'm blushing again. THIS FUCKING GIRL I SWEAR. "... You alright there?" She giggled, looking at my face. I was having mixed emotions- happy and embarrassed and uh... let's just say I was looking more worse than what I was feeling.

"I-I'm... I'm alright." I said, calming down a bit. She rolled her eyes, grinning, "You know, that was just a hug. What'd you think will happen to you if it was a kiss~?" She said, getting close to my face. My face got hotter as she got more closer until we touched noses. Wait, we touCHED NOSES!????

"DFJAHDJFDSKFHSKFKSFHSHFKDJDKSHFDSKJFHDSFHDSK...????" I said. Well, more like screeched. She burst out laughing and ruffled my hair, "Oh c'mon. Let's go now, you fucking retard. We're going to be late." She said, taking my hand. I rolled my eyes and sighed, following her.

Moni is such a fucking piece of shit.

I love her so much.


A/N: Alright. Chapter 1 finally done and expect more to come soon.

By the way, the way I write is not that professional so please don't complain, I just write like that. xD And it's a 1st person view, so for me it's much easier to write and I love writing out the character's thoughts and feelings. It's so much fun.

Anyways, this is only Chapter 1 and I'll do my best to update this daily. It's the final month of my school year and I'll be stressed out. (wish we could turn back time~ to the good ol' dayssss~) So, that's that. XD

So, I'll see you guys soon and shit. Later, you fucktards. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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