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The year is now 2016 and the world is now futuristic as all hell. Technology has became a huge part of the world and it has helped in making the economy move up and shit and it has made the world more healthier, too. Technology has been a great help to the world for the past decades and we couldn't ask for more.

Want to know what we have? Well, as of now, we have flying cars, teleportation elevators, wheelchairs that float, hoverboards, powerful weapons and military equipment and more. I forgot what the others are called but eh, I think you probably get it by now.

So, uh. That's basically our world and it's a beautiful one. Well, to me it is. I couldn't ask for better, honestly.

Oh yeah, my name's Mark Coblenz. I have purple-ish hair and I've got two different colored irises... what is that feature called again? ...Right, it's Heterochromia Iridium. It's pretty rare around and I find it cool that I have this feature. No one calls me weirdo, to be honest; they just think it's cool. The colors I have are dark red and dark grey. I think that's enough about my physical appearance; I just look like a fucking anime character. That's how I look. Somehow.

Anyways, I'm 21 years old living in California and shit. I work as a cashier in Starbucks... yeah, I'm not kidding. It may seem like a great job but it gets stressful and boring after quite a while. You've got to give everyone's order as soon as possible and you've got to make it as "perfect" as possible.  It's not a grand job as you think, but it's worth it since I got to pay rent along with my roommate. Plus, free coffee at times. I fucking love coffee.

Ah, yeah. My roommate is a girl named Monica Iresworth. She's 20 and she works at a supermarket. She's the one who stocks shit up and stuff. I don't know exactly what it's called but she just checks what product's almost gone and orders more to restock 'em... something like that, yeah. About her appearance, she has a golden hair and purple eyes. On the outside, she looks like a girly-girl who loves pink; on the inside though, she's a tomboy and loves acting like a dude. Sure, she has her girly side at time but she's mostly cool and boy-ish. Her favorite colors are actually black, maroon and turquoise. Mine is navy blue, man.

And we go way back. We're like childhood friends and shit. If I could remember back then, we met up in school and we became friends, then we found out that we're neighbors and we decided to hangout and shit and the rest is history. Best friends, we are.

I can draw, she can write brilliant stories. We love video games, we love anime, we love TV shows and we love YouTube. We love (mostly) the same kind of music. Basically, again, we're the best of friends and we mostly like the same shit. And yeah, that's all, I guess?

Hmm, well that's it about us. To sum it up, we live in California in the year 2016, I live with Monica, my best friend, and we live our lives normally in this futuristic world. It's July 21 as of now and so far... my life is pretty good.

Nothing can go wrong, right? o3o


A/N: Hey, finally. I'm back after a HUUUUUGE fucking hiatus from this website. A lot has changed and honestly, I love this website even more. Like, fuck yeah man.

Also, this story is set in a futuristic 2016. Like, the world advanced so quickly, it became so futuristic. IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP IT'S MY STORY. I DO WHAT I WANT BIIIITTCHHH~. Nah, I'm just kidding. But seriously. xD So, same bands, same TV shows, sam- you probably fucking know the drill, right? Good.

But yeah, this story is going to be my main focus right now. The other GD fanfic... I might redo it or update it... I don't know, honestly. Basically, my main focus on writing is this fic right here. But I will do something to that GD fanfic; who knows? Wait and see...

Anyways, this is my first original composition and stuff. I hope you like it and expect more. Stay street.

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