An Unlikely Enemy

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"Greetings, Sinister Blade." Alistar said, placing a strong hand over his chest. Katarina nodded once, then with her head held high, strode across the courtyard till she was safe to release her breath back in her room. She just could not shake the words from her mind. Why an offer? What more could he want from her after he took away all what she had? The Noxian's fist slammed onto the desk, rattling the ink bottles and stacks of neatly piled papers. She would not give in. Katarina knew him well, his cunning nature could not deceive her. There was something he wanted out of this and something growing she could feel it's presence as soon as she stepped into her homeland's ground.

Katarina shifted to her bed while stripping her armor and weapons to allow comfort. She flopped down, taking in the Frost Archer's faint scent from her side of the bed. She scooted in more and took her pillow, cuddling the soft fabric into her face. She figured that Ashe was out in a match and since Alistar saw her come back, he would have reported her return and expect for a match to be scheduled soon.


The Sinister Blade rubbed her eyes and stared blankly at the door, which continued to be banged upon. From the area which is was banged and the strength it took to do so Katarina was certain it was a summoner who had brought her schedule. She stirred from where she laid and arose slowly to answer the door and retrieve the slip.

'Match scheduled for: 2:35 p.m.'

Glancing behind her, the clock read 2:06 p.m.

Katarina breathed. She saw her love preparing her arrows and straightening her armor as she stepped into the portal. Alistar was assigned to the one beside her and going to his place, he went to Ashe to whisper something in her ear. They both held their eyes to the screen which displayed their portraits above the enemy. The bull furrowed his brows as he read the opponent's names on the screen and went back to the portal with clenched fists and a battle ready mood. Katarina also read, squinting her eyes to the name: Sivir.

Ashe glanced at Katarina and gave her a smile which the Noxian returned though her mind wandered as to why the Minotaur held sourness to the Battle Mistress's name. Alistar watched them but looked up as the doors slid shut, and lights flashed from the inside. The floor's gears began to work themselves and cranked the champions to the arena to face death once again.

As Katarina impaled her enemy who lay on the floor struggling, her head perked at the sound of a familiar cry that even the birds within the jungle fled from. Panic filled the Noxian and returning to her victim, which was still alive and reaching for his weapon, she drove her knives into the rims of his helm and stepped over his body as he summoned a shadow hole and disappeared into it.

"Ashe!" Katarina yelled as she raced through the thick brush of the jungle. "Ashe!" she yelled louder.

She paused at the river's edge, listening to the soft stream of water flowing from a nearby waterfall. She held her short swords tightly in each hand, lowering to the ground when she heard a rustle around her. The Noxian's predatory instincts kicked in and she ducked behind a large mossy rock. Her breathing paced but was toned down by her expertise in leveling her adrenaline. Footsteps circled around the bend, edging Katarina's eyed toward the side to glance at the unknown champion.

"Shyvana!" she said when the smells of burning embers took to her senses. The half dragon turned her vision to Katarina as the Noxian drew back her swords. She too must have thought her as an enemy and Shyvana tightened her fists to extinguish the fire that burned within her palms.

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