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Exhausted, Katarina bent over. She held herself at arms-length from her knees, breathing deeply and feeling the sweat beads forming at the edge of her nose. The way to Noxus was brutal by foot as opposed to horseback. The assassin however looked on rather than being tied down by sore muscles. As she walked further she witnessed the dusty road turn to a harder ground and the vegetation around grew darker and deader. The impending fear that beat her chest quickened when her mind began to process the changing environment with each step.

'This was not the Noxus I knew...' she thought. Her hands grazed the bark of a dead tree along the path and feeling the jagged texture, she frowned. It was inevitable that even nature knew Noxus's ruin. Katarina's boots shuffled along the grimy way, dirtying with the mud of a recent downfall. "Ugh!" she groaned and went along the sideline to wipe the edges of her boots with the grass.

Katarina's ears picked up the sound of armor and instinctively she ducked and crept up to where the path's hill over viewed the land ahead. There, behind a rotting log was where the assassin laid low, observing with her senses at the green armored guards by one of the main entrances into the empire.

She was careful to draw her blades, keeping them at bay when she would need them if they were to attack. The assassin reassured that they wouldn't harm her, though seeing their expressions they were set to kill with the look of an ill-tempered beast. Bringing her sleeve, she swiped the sweat from her face and prepped her hair to ensure the look of the proud member of her household.

"Halt trespasser!" the guards growled, pointing their weapons to the woman striding their way. Katarina flipped her hair, revealing her infamous scar to them but they didn't bat an eye.

"Relax. You know who I am."

"Well then," spat one of the men. "You'll have no trouble turning your back before we stab it."

Katarina's brow twitched by their imprudence. "I am Katarina Du Couteau, daughter of General Du Couteau. Sinister Blade and a member of the League of Legends. How dare you speak to me that way?"

Some of them laughed. "We only serve General Swain. We know who you are well Sinister Blade but his orders are ours to follow. Just turn away before you end up like the rest of them."

Katarina's eyes followed the gesture of the guards to a pile of bodies hidden behind the walls. It was revolting as some of them had already begun to rot and with her attention to it, her nose caught hold of the smell.

"What do you mean Swain's orders?" she questioned, trying her best to ignore the bile running up her throat.

"You aren't welcome here anymore. Go, and no harm will be done to you or else." Their gruff voice said.

"Or else what?"

Katarina spoke too soon when an arrow flew past her ear. There was a legion of archers all pointing their weapons to her from above the wall and many more soldiers inching closer to her, teeth snarling. There was no say before a hundred arrows were shot to her and the soldiers charging to her in numbers that equaled more than twenty. The assassin blinked forward, vanishing from the spot where all the arrows targeted and came behind a guard to slice the back of his neck while throwing a knife to the man that came behind to help. More arrows shot at her and holding the body of the man, she shielded herself from the impacts of the lethal projectiles.

She blinked again, to dig her knives into one soldier, and threw several forward as her victim fell to her feet lodging them into a dozen men. She collected them swiftly, running and kicking to the others that came her way. Dodging a spear she knee'd one in the gut and swung him around to collide into the others that circled around. As soon as Katarina found that she had a sliver of time, she brought all of her knives and by running and kicking herself into the air, she twirled about midair, raining knives to all those who were caught under her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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