He's Alive?

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The food was tasteless. Katarina muttered to herself and threw the hard bread back onto her plate disgusted. She looked around the dining hall to see not many champions about. Her green eyes wandered till they found the clock on the wall that marked right on the hour 6 p.m. The Noxian's brows furrowed. 'Already 6? Last time I checked it was 2...' Guess time went fast around here.

Some commotion went about across to one of the tables that were occupied. There was Alistar and Warwick, discussing something privately. They both didn't look like they were talking about something lighthearted. Alistar whispered into the werewolf's ear and looked around the room as he did. Warwick's head lowered as well, hearing what the Minotaur had to say. It seemed odd to her that they, both of different factions and backgrounds would be speaking to one another, especially that close. Just as quick as they spoke, they departed going opposite ways. Katarina observed them carefully, noting every detail of their short rendezvous. Eying the empty doorway, she drank from her cup slowly and set it down once a familiar figure came into view.

The hooded man only walked past her and dropped a letter by her hand on the table. Knowing his secretive ways, Katarina didn't bother to look behind her instead taking the letter and opening the old paper carefully.

My eldest daughter,

Time is short- there is not much I can do now but say that with all that I am you are my legacy. I have taught you everything that you need to know and it is up to you to hone your skills wisely. There is darkness in Noxus, I feel it coming.

If it weren't for you and your sister and mother I would not have been the man I had come to be. It agonizes me that I fled at such short notice, but I had no choice. But heed my words; I have not done it as a coward.

You are a strong woman. I have left you to become even more so. There are things that will be revealed in time just as the sun rises to show that the night has hidden from our eyes. Focus, and do not let fear take you over. That is what he wants. Do not let him have it from you.

-Marcus Du Couteau

Katarina covered her mouth. Tears threatened to escape from her eyes as she passed over the writing countless times. My father...lives? She thought. Her mind spun around as reality struggled to maintain a grip on her head. Her thumb ran over the writing. It was fresh. Katarina looked around, analyzing. She needed to find someone, anyone, to tell them about her discovery. Talon would have known already because he was the one that had left the letter by her side in the first place but if he knew...why had he kept it from her?

Desperate, Katarina ran nowhere. Past the dining hall, through the walk ways, across the plaza till she came in contact with a familiar body.

"Kat, why are you running?"

Her green eyes met with Ashe's worried blue orbs. They inspected deeply, calming the assassin the longer they lingered. Ashe gripped Katarina's arms firmly to sustain her from her weak knees. So much emotion ridiculed the assassin, she wondered if there had been a greater time when this type of thing actually occurred.

"T-this letter..." she choked and waved the paper around with a trembling hand. Ashe took the assassin into her arms in one swift movement and carried her swiftly away. Several eyes saw them, Ashe paying no attention. Her girlfriend was overwhelmed she knew, of something in the paper she held. Others meant nothing to her when it was Katarina who needed help. Bringing the assassin closer to her chest, she hoisted her body so that her arms were tightly wound around her and ran to where she knew Katarina would be most safe: her room.

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