Chapter 4

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Ezra's POV

While the rest of the crew stayed in the cockpit, the Seventh Sister and I were in the common room, discussing the Seventh Sister's dream.

I frowned when she told me about me with my lightsaber. I knew the battle she was talking about. It had already happened. And I knew what I was talking about in that dream.

It was a dream I had a few months back, a little bit after I rejoined with the crew. It had involved the Seventh Sister.

I couldn't remember everything from the dream, but I did remember two things. There was someone with a red lightsaber, although I do not know who, and the Seventh Sister was in trouble.

I told the Seventh Sister about my dream, and she shook her head.

"This is a sign," she said. "Something is about to happen."

"Yeah, but what?" I asked.

"That is what I came here to figure out!" The Seventh Sister sighed.

"Well, so far we have nothing," I said. "And, besides, how am I supposed to help you figure this out if I am with the crew?"

"Simple," she said after a few moments, a devilish grin appearing on her face. "You sneak away."

"What? No!" I exclaimed.

"Like Ezra would ever go anywhere with you," a voice said.

The Seventh Sister and I looked to the entrance to the common room to where Sabine was standing, leaning against the door frame with her helmet in her arms.

"Sabine!" I said. "What are you doing here?"

"I live on this ship, genius. And why are talking about going places with her? You only just met her," Sabine said.

I looked at the Seventh Sister with an exasperated look. "Well, now we have a choice," she said. "You can either tell the truth or kill her. I like the second option."

"What?" Sabine exclaimed.

"Be quiet! We are not killing anyone! Let's go to the Phantom!" I suggested.

After the three of us were seated in the ship, Sabine automatically asked for an explanation. I hesitated before starting, though. "I met the Seventh Sister a while ago," I slowly admitted.

"When?" Sabine demanded.

"You do not need to know," the Seventh Sister said.

"You two could tell me what is going on, or I could go tell the rest of the crew about this," Sabine said stubbornly.

"I still think we should have killed her," the Seventh Sister muttered.

"Sabine, I know this is kind of sudden, but this is something that does not need your attention. I repeat, does not need your attention," I said.

"The youngest member of my crew knows one of the evilest inquisitors in the galaxy and are not trying to kill each other but work together? That is not something I can just shrug off and forget about," Sabine said.

"Say nothing," the Seventh Sister growled.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" I exclaimed.

"I already gave you an idea."

"Enough with the killing and explain yourselves!" Sabine said.

I locked eyes with the inquisitor for a few seconds, locked in silent conversation. "Fine!" She finally said.

So together, we explained to Sabine about how the Seventh Sister and I worked together when we were both on the run. From meeting each other to the death of the Fifth Brother, we left nothing unsaid.

"And that is how we know each other. Happy?" The Seventh Sister snapped.

"This is certainly the craziest situation I have ever dealt with," Sabine sighed.

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