Haley's New Friend

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Will pov
After 3 hours of shopping with Haley and her shadow, Steven. We finally arrived back home.

"Haley I'm going to get ready for bed. " I said
She waved and didn't look up from her phone. She was most likely texting Steven.

I'm happy Haley has a crush, but seriously she just got into town today. I really just want to spend time with my sister.

After I put on my pajamas on, I uploaded my video to my laptop for editing. I edited it until I got tired. I put my laptop away and walked to Haley's room. She was brushing her hair.

"Good night, Sis" I said before going to close the door.

"Wait" she ran over before I could close the door.

She pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek

"Goodnight, bro. I thank you for showing me around."

"No problem. Tomorrow I can show you around more" I said smiling

She nodded

I closed the door and walked to my room. I got in bed and pulled the covers over my body. To bed I go.

Haley pov
It is 1 in the morning and I am still texting Steven.

Steven-What was it like living in Colorado?

Me-It was boring. I didn't have many friends so that didn't help no body liked me.

Steven-Aww. Well I'll always be here for you, Haley. ❤

Me-Thank you,Steven.❤

Steven-So I'm outta the friend zone now

Me-Haha. Nope you're still deep in.😂

Steven-Well then.😐

Me- Haha. Sorry, Boo😙


Me- Yes?

Steven-I think I'm in love with you.😊

Me- I love you,Too. ❤


Me- Of course

Steven-. Me and Will have you record his video for next week at the skate park. Will you come with him?


Steven- Ok. I see you tomorrow. Goodnight beautiful.❤

Me-Goodnight, Handsome

What just happene?

I plugged my phone up and put it on my nightstand. Tomorrow is going to be a day to remember.

The Next Day

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed.
"Will!" I yelled at him

"What" He stopped jumping and laid down beside me.

I looked at the clock beside my bed

"Its 8 o'clock in the morning. I'm tired." I whined

"Well you shouldn't have been up at 1 o'clock in the morning texting, Steven." He said

My eyes went wide. "How do you know that.

"He texted me at" he paused to look at his phone"1:37 and told me that you said you loved him"

I face palmed myself.

"Haley has a boyfriend. Haley has a boyfriend." he chanted jumping on my bed again

"Quite! You're gonna fall" I laughed

Will jumped off my bed. "Get ready, we have to go meet your, boyfriend at the skate park in 2 hours."

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