Chapter Two

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Gabriel shifted slightly glancing at her clock with tired eyes, 7:19 AM. She sighed knowing that she might as well get up, no use sitting around and moping all day long. Her long, black hair stuck to her face—reminding her of the emotional fit she had just last night. If it was one thing she hated it was crying, it didn't happen a lot but when it did, it was always unpleasant.

She slid off her bed and onto the floor with a loud thud. Sleep was such a wonderful thing she thought, groaning as she rose from the floor. Her feet dragged along the wood floor, her eyes hazy from sleep, straining, trying to coordinate with her brain and legs to make it to her bathroom. Gabriel rushed to turn on the light–she had always felt uneasy in the dark but this morning the feeling was intensified. Her bathroom lacked an emotional touch from the plain black shower curtain to the toothbrush sitting on top of the sink. Everything was just so vacant, just how she liked it.

Gabriel was turning on the faucet her toothbrush now in hand, reaching for the toothpaste located on the left side of sink–when she heard a loud bump. Gabriel froze, she could've sworn that her mother was not in the room when she entered the bathroom because if she was Gabriel was certain that her thousand apologies would have reached her ears by now. So that would only leave room for the other scenario a burglary, it wasn't uncommon for a house in this neighborhood to get jacked once in a while since they did live in a nicer community, but for some stranger to think it was okay to steal from her was another thing. A very unacceptable thing.

Gabriel hands clenched around the toothbrush in her hand, she would have to approach the situation rationally because if they really were here to rob her then they would more then likely be armed and while a toothbrush might poke an eye out, a bullet would reach her before the toothbrush could even be of use. Gabriel grimaced, she would unfortunately have to play the victim in this scenario. She sat her toothbrush back into it's holder, careful not to make a sound, before exiting the bathroom.

Running her fingers through her tangled black locks Gabriel sighed, this was just another unnecessary play of events to make her angry–she swore whoever lived up in the sky had it out for her, it seemed that everything was going to hell all at once and she doesn't know how much longer she can stay sane, or at least her version of sane.

Her hands twitched, and she knew it was a sign. Gabriel's subconscious was telling her to break, to maim, to shut out the world and just harm, but no that couldn't happen now. Shaking her head she pushed the feeling back into the deepest parts of her mind, she needed a level head if she was going to pull this off.

Gabriel walked confident as ever, but as she made her way back to the bed she stilled. Sitting or well at least trying to, in her computer chair was a man. The man was desperately trying to fit his very tall and very broad body into the seat, he was cursing and mumbling about psycho little girls and their demon chairs. Which startled her and for the first time in a while she laughed, a loud cackle–this surprised the man. He obviously wasn't planning on being caught because when he turned to face her he jumped.

Gabriel was at a lost for words, because this tall, burly man had just probably let out a more feminine shout than her own mother would at the sight of a spider—and boy was that hard on the ears. She clearly was distracted picturing him wearing a dress hollering about a spider because apparently he had spoken, Gabriel not as alarmed as before grinned "excuse me," she asked laughing internally at the mental image.

The tall man scowled "You should really respect your elders, you know." He warned, eyes narrowed, his hand pinching his nose in exasperation, drawing her eyes up to his face–and whew, how had she not seen it first baffled her because he was positively stunning.

His green eyes seemed to glow in the poorly lit bedroom, jet black hair that looked so soft it would put her pillow to shame, his lips were truly sinful as the redness complemented his pale skin making him seem even more handsome.
He wore a black long-sleeved shirt that hid none of the pure muscle underneath, black pants and plain black boots. "Eyes up here, cupcake." he grunted, walking up closer to her, snapping his fingers her way, clearly put off by her staring. They were at least arms length apart, her eyes locking onto his chest, loving the way the shirt stretched around his broad torso.

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