Chapter Four

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"Gabriel who is this?" Her mother asked, still more than a little confused, Gabriel had just flung the door open in a panic, there was a very tall and unfamiliar man in her bedroom and she had just given her a hug, the physical contact alone was more than enough warning signs.

Gabriel sighed, she had acted too quickly and made a mistake and now she was paying the price. There was no option to just press the rewind button and forget this ever happened, she only had two choices, convince her mother to let her go away with Death, or.. Actually that was the only choice she had right now at this moment.

The teen nervously, fiddled her thumbs, turning her head to the side to take a peek at Death who was currently trapped in her chair yet again, then to her mother who was still wrapped in her arms, looking like a lamb lost in the middle of a wolves den. She pulled away from her mother, locking eyes with her, she didn't see a old pitiful lady anymore she saw a mother, that was actively trying to change for the greater good of her child and she didn't think she could lie to the woman that had changed so much in a short amount of time.

"Mom, if you would just have a seat, I think I could explain this better once I've thought about this and had a talk with Death," she offered gesturing to the man, but her mother didn't take a seat. Her eyes were glued to the tall, pale man in the corner and her eyes shone with recognition and terror.

"It's you." She choked, her hands shaking as she backed away from Gabriel and Death. "Why are you here again?" She whispered, flinching when her back hit the wall. This was too much, she had no idea that the man would show up in her home again, she'd thought Gabriel was just telling lies to provoke her not the real thing. This was bad, very bad, he was coming to take her baby away, Gabriel had no clue about this man and what he'd done to her family.

Gabriel was confused, why was her mother acting so afraid? Death wasn't that frightening to her, considering the fact that he always got stuck somewhere around her room, like some kind of cat. Gabriel look towards her computer chair but Death wasn't there. He was standing in front of her mother, towering over her as she continued to tremble. Gabriel could hear her praying to herself, begging for help as Death stood before her.

"You know Olivia, I was actually trying to avoid you." Death said cold and empty, the tone was foreign to Gabriel. "I didn't want to have to deal with you. But of course, you've found a way to be included." He laughed hollowly, crouching to her mother's eye level, you could see her visibly flinch as he leaned into her.

Gabriel was lost, what kind of history did her mother have with Death. It couldn't be good with the way she was acting.

"How the husband Liv? Oh. I forgot." He smirked cruelly, eyes lighting up when sadness washed across Olivia's features. Gabriel frowned. How did he know her father? Why was her mother acting like this? Why did it seem like she was being over looked?

"Hey!" Gabriel exploded, the two adult's heads turning towards her. She stomped in between her mother and Death, standing tall. She was sick of being left out, looking up at Death she sneered.

"Back off Death." She snarled, looking into his eyes. Death narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. He wasn't moving.

Gabriel maintained eye contact with him as he stood, frozen in place. "I said back the f*ck off Death, now." Her teeth clenched, voice coming out as a hiss. Death took a heavy step towards her, his sharp jaw clenched. "I thought we talked about you telling me what to do Briella." He wondered, one brow raised, finger tapping his chin in thought. The little monster still had fight left huh? He grabbed her arm, ripping her from in front of her mother, picking her up and slinging her across his strong shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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