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The mane 6 made it to the stadium and saw the sirens taking control and about to open a portal to equestria, but adagio shot magic out of her hand and made Sci twi midnight twilight
"" Sci-twi was looking down at her hands in tears.
"Join us twilight, and be more powerful than ever"
Adagio held out her hand
Twilight closed her eyes and said
"No, I WILL never side with you, I have something better...FRIENDS!!"
"Everybody NOW!"
The other twilight said
The mane 6 kissed their special some pony and the reign of their magic shooting in the sky was interrupted by the sirens high note, their magic wasn't strong enough.
Then the equestria girls joined in while midnight twilight was doing her best to defend them.
"Wait, love AND friendship" Twilight brain stormed
"Our magic is stronger adagio, True friendship comes honesty (Both applejacks turned into their pony form), laughter ( both pinkie pies turn into their pony form) *you get the idea* loyalty, kindness, generosity love and friends brought us together both in two world" Twilight eyes glowed white.
The reign of the magic came from their special somepony and midnight Twilight
" we are forever friends" caramel apple, chesse sandwich, elusive, blitz, and a weak flash said it together.
a huge pink unicorn shot magic towards the dazzlings and ended them.
The amulets broke apart and flash was broken from the spell.

My Little Pony: Princess Twilight sparkle♡Flash Sentry Where stories live. Discover now