the norm

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"I'm from new York the girl said how bad can this new place be" it was Monday morring. As I got up to eat and bursh my hair I heard something out side my window. I look and there stood a girl so beautiful I couldnt help but look. I turned my head turned back and she was gone.
I said to my self "its nobody"
I grabed my bags and took the bus to school. Now I am a freshman at waterly high school. I have math, p.e, science, lunch, then English. I found my class every easily. The teacher miss.well had me tell the class a little bit about me "Hi am Lilly and I am from the city of new York I have been here for 2weeks now". "Thank you". as I took my seat I couldn't help but take a look at the girl in all black. As she looked back at me I remembered she was the girl I saw out side my window. I turned to look away has fast as I could.
It was the end of the day and I just got home. My mom asked me " So how was your first day "
"it was OK I guess"
"did you meet any nice girls or boys" her mom said
"No but this girl in my first hour she looked to beautiful so incredible I couldn't help but look"
That night as I feel asleep I had a dream. A dream so different, so beautiful. As I layed there in bed I couldn't help but know there was something different about this girl.
As I sat at my seat I thought to my self "her hair so beautiful, her skin so pale ,her eyes so red.
The teacher had said " we are going to be working together no more then two to a group "
One of the girls said "Miss do we get to pick our partner "
"No I will pick for you"
"Lilly you are with sam"
"Oh no I said to my self the teacher had to put me with that girl so beautiful"
As we sat together I said "hi I'm"
"Yeah I know who you are you are Lilly from new York city"
As I tried to look at her all she could do is sit at the end of her seat far from me with her hand over her nose like like if I smelled really bad.
I smelled my hair and it smellet of strawberry and love.

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