CHAPTER 1: Encounter

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All was peaceful and quiet while young Matthew slept, that was until his older, louder brother, Alfred barged into his room and woke up the sleeping young adult.

"Wakey, wakey, Mattie!!! Time to wake up!"

Said person rolled in bed and pulled the covers tighter to himself. Matthew groaned as anyone would do if woken up rudely and Alfred laughed his boisterous laugh. After it seemed that Matthew wasn't going to get up, Alfred silently chuckled to himself and waited for his younger brother to fall back asleep. It didn't take long and Alfred backed up as far as he could in his brother's room and when he thought he was good enough, he charged toward Matthew's sleeping body and jumped on him. Matthew grunted with the weight of his brother crashing down on him and threw Alfred off. Alfred was laughing so hard, he held his stomach and was tearing up. Matthew sat up and glared toward his brother with a burning passion.

"What the heck was that all aboot, eh?! I was sleeping so good and you come and ruin it!"

"Hahaha! It's time to get up bro! Maple is already awake and ready to roll! She needs some daddy lovin'!"

"Oh my gosh... She couldn't wait a few more minu- Alfred... Why did you wake me up half an hour before my alarm?!" Matthew threw his pillow at his brother and got loud laughing in return.

"Love you, bro!" Alfred waved to Matthew and ran out of his room before he could get hit with another pillow.

"Alfred! Come back here! You jerk!" Matthew plopped back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He hated when his brother would wake him up early and he always did it after Matthew had an exhausting day working with Maple. Maple is Matthew's tall, strong, and beautiful black Percheron. She's a sweetheart, but will only let Matthew and a few others ride her. He wakes up early, most of the time, to practice their dressage routine. They are so close to perfecting it, but have troubles on one part, so practice is still needed.

Matthew got up and got ready to take Maple out on their morning stroll near the ocean on the beach. After he got dressed he headed downstairs to eat breakfast real quick, glaring at his brother as he passed him, and then headed to the stables. Matthew tact up his horse and got nickers from her. She was ready to ride and was happy to see her owner. Matthew put her halter on and jumped in the saddle. When they were clear enough of the stables, Maple reared up like she does every morning and bolted off to her favorite place to workout.

It was a warm and partly cloudy day on the beach where they take their stroll. Matthew smiled as he saw seagulls flying and heard the peaceful sounds of the ocean. The gentle ocean breeze blew in his hair, as well as Maple's mane and tail. As they walked Matthew looked out at the horizon where the sun was just coming up. He smiled brighter and squinted his eyes. He loved watching the sunrise. It calmed him, no matter how the morning started off. The two kept a steady lope, but slowed down when Matthew saw a large object washed up on the beach. Maple snorted and was eager to go check out what it was. Matthew steadily walked over to where the object was and wondered what it could be. 'Is it a dolphin? Or could it be a shark? It sure looks like it, but it seems different somehow too...'

As Matthew drew closer he could see that it was neither of those things. It began to take the shape of a human. Well, at least half of one. He stopped a little ways away from it and walked closer from there. When he was upon the creature he realized what it was. He didn't want to believe it, but it was an actual mermaid. Or in this case, a merman. Matthew got down and examined the creature more closely. It had a beautiful white, blue, and red tail that came up to its hips and its top half was very muscular. It had silver color hair and strangely, a sea kelp scarf. Matthew chuckled when he saw the scarf, but he quickly worried when he saw a red liquid mixing with the sand. Blood. Matthew went to touch the merman to try and see where the wound was when the merman grabbed his wrist. Matthew yelped and Maple started jumping and snorting. Matthew shushed her and calmed her down. 'I don't need this thing to get more startled than it is... That'd make things much worse...' The merman's beautiful, but blazing violet eyes darted around his surrounding and stopped when they landed on the young Canadian. Matthew managed a small smile to try and calm the one holding his wrist a bit too tight. It worked, but the merman still kept ahold on his wrist and tried speaking to Matthew.

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