CHAPTER 13: The Escape

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~~~Alfred's POV~~~

I sure hope Mattie's alright... He didn't come home last night, so I'm very worried... Alistair said everything was fine and that Matt stayed the night at the aquarium, but something just seems off to me...

I decided to just shake it off and believe what uncle Ali said, so I started playing videogames to take my mind off of it. So glad I brought my XBOX! I'd been playing for a couple hours now when Alistair and Matthew walked in. I turned off the console and headed over to them.

"Hey, dudes! You're finally back!"

"Aye, and we need to talk to ye about somthin' real quick."

Alistair crossed his arms and him and Mattie had a serious look on their faces.

"Okay..? About what..? I'm not in trouble, am I? I didn't do it, I swear!" They both chuckled, but it wasnt for long. Matthew walked closer so he was in front of me.

"We need to talk to you aboot helping us break out someone."

I raised a brow and looked at him confused.

"Huh? You want me to do what now?" Alistair walked closer now and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We need ye muscle to help free a young lad."

"First off, thanks for the compliment. Second, do I even know him? Have I met him before?"

"You haven't had the chance to meet him yet, but you know of him... From me and the news..."

"The news? Is he famous? Are we saving an actor or something?! That's totally awesome! Who is he, Matt?!"

"He's famous, but not necessarily in a good way..."

My smile faded and I gave Matthew a suspicious look. He looked down worriedly and twiddled his fingers.

"I'm not going to help you free a criminal, Matthew. I'm sorry, but I won't do it. Why would you want my help to break out a criminal anyway, knowing I'm a cop myself?" He got tears in his lavender eyes and it made me feel a bit guilty. I dont want to get in trouble though. Especially with the police department and higher authorities. He wiped his eyes and cleared his throat.

"I want to free him, because I love him, Alfred... I finally have the chance to be with him again and I need your help... Please..."

I blinked in confusion then my eyes widened in realization. Is he talking about Ivan?! He found him?! Crap!!! Now this is a whole new problem! Do I help him with the risk of the cops of Scotland, or do I not help and risk my brother hating me and ruining his and Ivan's happiness..? This is too hard!!! I sighed and looked at the two. Alistair had a pleading look; same as Matthew.

Wait... Is that why Matthew was gone last night? He was with Ivan? Ivan's at the aquarium? Huh... Wonder how that went down... Oh god... Mind, stop imagining things!!! I shook my head to rid of the thoughts and then looked back at them. I sighed then nodded my head.

"Fine, I'll help... Only because it's for you, bro... What's the plan to get him out? How we going to do this?" Matthew's features lit up like a fire and he then explained to me the plan.

~~~No ones POV~~~

Later that evening when the aquarium closed, Matthew's plan was put into action. All three were in the top half of Ivan's exhibit and were making sure they had everything ready. Ivan woke from his nap when Alistair used some clicking to tell him they were ready. He swam out of his little cave and looked all around the tank. He was glad he was going to be free, but he had to admit that he would miss this place. It was his home for five years after all. Ivan swam to the top and smiled at the three. He noticed Alfred and took note that him and Matthew did look alike, with some minor differences.

Ivan swam over to the drop off area and hopped up on the platform. Matthew hugged him and smiled toward the Russian, happy to finally be with him again. Alfred looked on at them and had a slight smile. He still didn't like the idea that he was helping to free a criminal, but Alfred wanted his brother happy. Ivan didn't seem as bad of a guy now that Alfred got a good look at him. It still baffled Alfred as to how Ivan had done all that damage in England. 'He looks like a friggin' teddy bear with scratches! What drove him to be capable of doing all that crime?!' Alfred thought as he helped to prep the area for surgery. Matthew got out his medical equipment and Alistair got out his sea life equipment to aid Matthew. Alistair and Alfred helped Ivan to a small area and Matthew came over to hold a towel over him.

All, except Matthew stepped back so Ivan could turn his tail to legs. After Ivan finished the slightly painful process, Matthew handed him some swim trunks and they all moved to the operating area.

"Ready to go, Ivan?" Matthew asked with an upbeat voice.

"Da, let's do this." Ivan laid on his stomach and Alistair brought a mask to his face.

"We need to put ye under now, so ya don't feel anything while we're workin' on ya."

"Okay..." Ivan turned his head to the side and Alistair strapped the mask on. Alfred watched the two work from a distance and Alistair joined him once Ivan was out.

"Alight, here we go, eh? Time to get this chip out..." Matthew began to work on Ivan and it took nearly three hours to remove the chip. It had been connected to very sensitive tissue and even attached to Ivan's spine itself. With patience and careful work, Matthew removed it and stitched his boyfriend back up.

After cleaning up the area and putting tools away, all three carefully moved Ivan to a backboard. Alistair took the rear while Alfred had ahold of the front of the board. Matthew grabbed his bag and they slowly walked to the exit. Once the coast was clear, they moved quickly to Alistair's car and placed Ivan inside. Matthew sat in the back with the merman to make sure there were no bad symptoms from the operation. Alistair drove back to his house, having to evade cops on the way there to not seem suspicious. When they arrived back to Alistair's, Arthur and a young lady with long, ash colored hair were waiting for them. Alistair parked the car close to the entrance and Matthew hopped out, so his brother and uncle could take out Ivan. Arthur and the young woman held open the door for the four to enter. Alfred and Alistair took Ivan to the guest room on the bottom floor and carefully moved him from the board to the bed. The young woman walked into the room then stopped in her tracks. Matthew and Alfred looked toward her, both with a confused expression.

"What's wrong, baby?" Alfred asked as he walked over to her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Is something the matter, Natalia?" Matthew asked as he tended to Ivan. She broke down crying, rushing over to Ivan, and embracing him. The two brothers looked toward each other in confusion and Alfred had a tinge of jealousy. 'Why is she all over him??? Was he a past boyfriend of hers???' Alfred thought as he looked at the two with a bit of hate toward the Russian. That changed in the blink of an eye, however, when she started to speak.

"Big brother! How I've missed you! Што з табой здарылася?! Дзе ты быў усе гэтыя гады?! Вы занепакоен тым вялікую siater і я!" Natalia started sobbing hard enough to where she couldn't speak any longer. Matthew's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped at her words. 'Alfred's wife has been Ivan's sister all along?! No wonder the name sounded familiar when Ivan mentioned her!' Matthew thought as he continued to watch the reunion.

Natalia stayed by Ivan's side the whole night and fell asleep in the chair next to him. Matthew and his brother smiled at the sight before leaving to go to bed themselves.

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