Chapter 3

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"I'm Luke" I said smirking at the beautiful brunette in front of me.

Her beautiful brown eyes looked up and met mine and I thought recognition flashed through them.

"Hi Luke. I, um, haven't seen you around here before?" She said, nervously tugging on her bag, not looking at me

"Oh yeah, I just moved here. Or back I guess"

"Oh. Where are you from?" She asked, seemingly just making conversation.

"Oh, you know, everywhere. I actually just got back from the states. California to be exact" I was trying my best not to give away too much information. If she doesn't already know I am famous, I don't want her to.

I don't want to be known as famous right now, I want to be normal.

"Really??" she asks, looking happy for the first time. "I moved here from Texas a few months ago!"

"That's awesome! I love Texas! What brought you here?"

I watched as her face fell and she immediately got awkward. "Oh, um, you know, I should go.." She said, quickly walking away.

Um, okay then...

I hear my phone ringing and pull it out, seeing Calum's name flash across my screen. I haven't talked to any of the boys since I have been home, though they each call a few times a day.

Sighing, I finally decide to answer, walking out to my rental car.


"Luke?! Is that you?!" Calum's anxious voice answered

I laughed awkwardly and said, "yeah man, it is me. What's up?"

"What's up?! What's up?! Luke you just disappeared and then didn't answer and..."

I cut him off as his voice rose, "Calum, calm down. Let me..."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! And don't interrupt me!" the anger in his voice is obvious. "What the hell, Luke?! You just left. You left your friends, your band, your fans..." His voice softened, "You left family man..."

I was tucked away in my car when I finally broke. "I know... I know Calum.. I'm so so sorry..." I said softly, wiping tears away.

"Man we are just worried about you... I have been going crazy not hearing from you... Where are you??" I hear other voices in the background then

Who is that? Calum, what's wrong? Is that Luke?

"LUKE!! IS THAT YOU??" I hear two other voices scream

"Yeah guys, it's me." I say, laughing at them

"Don't you laugh at us Hemmings!" Michael says, frustrated

"Sorry man, it's just nice to hear all your voices"

"Man, it's good to hear yours too! It's been too long. Where are you??" this is asked by Ashton

"I'm safe guys. I got to go, talk to you later" I whisper quickly hanging up before I could hear them protest.

I feel so lost... I miss the boys but I know my mistakes are reflecting badly on them and I am going to fix them. I am going to be okay, for them, and for my fans.


"Well... that's all honey" my mom, Liz, said, slowly looking around the apartment.

"Thank you guys for helping me" I say sincerely to my mom, my dad Andrew, and my brother Jack.

"We are glad you're back son" dad says, clapping me on the back

"You know you could've stayed with us" mom says, looking sad

" I know mom, but I need to work some stuff out, and being on my own may help" I say, not looking at her

"Okay honey. We love you." She hugs me hard, making me want to cry

"I love you guys too" I hug them all and then turn to Jack.

"Let's hang out soon, yeah?"

"Hell yeah, man! I've missed you!" He says, punching me.

"Yeah, you too dude" rolling my eyes, I punch him back.

They all leave, giving me one last hug and I'm left around in the apartment I rented.

Sighing, I go lay in my bed, thinking of the mess everything has become.

I need to fix this. But for some reason, all that is on my mind is the girl from the music shop. Aislinn. Different, beautiful name. Her dark, sad eyes haunt my mind. I just made it my mission to find her again. Something about her is compelling, and maybe finding out will be my Saving Grace as well.

(A/N sorry this is sucky, it'll get more inserting soon, promise! Thank you so much for reading!! xxx )

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