Nothings perfect

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So, we got our happy ending. At least we thought we had. Nothing can be perfect and nothing ever will. You see all these people with perfect friends perfect families and perfect lives but that's not to say there isn't something that isn't perfect. I still remember the adrenaline I felt after seeing them for the first time. I'll never forget it, that happiness, that excitement. It was the first time I'd smiled in ages.
Dan, Phil and I, got on like a house on fire. Straight away we clicked and seemed like a perfect family, but things never stay this way for long enough for you to realise how special that time you had with perfect was. It was about 2 weeks after my 15th birthday, a year after I had moved in with Dan and Phil. There was a knock on the door.
"Oh, hi Shan."
"Um, is Phil in."
"He's just gone out shopping, why?" As I said this her face crumpled and tears started rolling down her cheeks. "Hey! Don't cry!" I said pulling her into a hug. "Come in..." I led her into the sitting room and sat her on the sofa. "Wait a second..." I said, I walked over to the staircase. "Dan!" I yelled.
"What?! I'm trying to sleep!" I rolled my eyes.
"Dan, come down, it's Shan..."
"What about Shan..." He said, emerging from his room. His hobbit hair was sticking up in all different directions and he had no shirt on. He ruffled his messy hair and stood there yawning. "Give me two minutes and I'll be down, put some toast in the toaster for me." I nodded and went into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later he was stood next to me waiting for the toast to pop out of the toaster. "Why is Shan here then? Especially this early in the morning."
"Um, Dan, it's 12am, your just lazy."
"Is it? Oh." He said laughing, I shot him a look that said, 'now is not a good time to laugh.' And he stopped. We walked into the sitting room together and sat down with Shan, who was still crying. "What's wrong?" Dan asked just as I opened my mouth to ask the same thing. "When's Phil going to be back?" She said, through her tears. "I don't know." I said putting my arm around her, at that exact moment Phil opened the front door cheerily and exclaimed "I'm home!" We heard the sound of his footsteps up the stair and he burst into the room "Hey guys." He paused when he saw Shan. "Shan? What's wrong?" He came and sat down next to her. I looked at Dan and then at Phil and Shan. "We'll leave you to it." I stood up and walked it the room with Dan following me.

Phil's POV...
"They haven't told you have they?" She asked through her tears; I frowned. "Who? And what haven't they told me?"
"She's dead Phil. My mums dead." She put her head in her hands and cried some more. I sat there in shock, my mouth opens a little completely lost for words. "W-what happened?" I stuttered trying to be the strong one and stop myself crying. "She committed suicide..." I took in a sharp intake of breath.
"She wasn't on her meds."
"I told you Phil! I said something wasn't right!"
"Alright, alright, Shan just calmed down!"
"Calm down? I've just found out my mum killed herself!"
"Look I know it's hard bu-"
"Hard? Phil I told you she needed help didn't I?"
"I tried! Okay? I really did but she hates me Shan you know that."
"There's still no excuse! Even if she wouldn't except your help you should have hired a professional, gotten a doctor in!" She was shouting at me now. Is this really all my fault? "Look! I'm sorry! It's not like I'm experienced with looking after someone with bipolar!"
"I don't care! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She grabbed her bag and her coat and stormed out the house. "What happened?" Said Charlie coming back into the room but I was already on my feet and on my way out of the house chasing after her. I ran without concentrating. Just follow Shan, I thought. But I ran out into the road and there was a thump and a scream from someone's mouth. Everything went black.

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