So The Player Does Have A Name.

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Remember how I said it was going to be a long day?Well I was RIGHT!!!The boy was in each one of my classes and he just wouldn't stop staring at me(creep much??).I mean it got to the point I just wanted stab him in the eye and see if he'll look at me then.Harsh maybe but he's pushing me to it and it didn't help the fact that,I always have a pocket knife hidden in my boot(and my pistol in my side bag but what ever)for emergencies.

By the end of school I was thanking god for letting me get out of the hell of being next to him the whole day.After I was done possibly over reacting(hehehe).I walked over to the school's stable where I knew the girls would be waiting for me.

I wasn't surprised to see them going at it again about another stupid argument.I chuckled as I finally heard what they were fighting about."ANNA GIVE ME BACK MY BRUSH YOU KNOW THATS MY FAVORITE ONE!!!"Annalise shakes her head "Just let me finish up and I'll give it back""NO YOUR PUTTING ALL YOU DANDRUFF ON IT".

I was trying to stop myself from laughing at their argument.Finally I walked over and took the brush from Annalise and gave it to Kayla while saying"Boys boys your both handsome can we stop now??"I couldn't help chuckle as the glared at me.

I shook my head and asked if we could go now.When they nodded we were on our horses and started leaving."Looks like Izzy has a new stalker this year"Kayla said with a laugh after a while.I turned to her quickly and shot daggers her way.She chuckled and smiled innocently with her pearly whites showing"What don't you think we'd notice how much he was starring at you its kinda hard not to notice" she said matter of factly.I shook my head"So what he's just mad at me for what happened this morning no biggy"(A/N:hehe I always say that).Annalise joined in shaking her head"Nah I think he was trying to figure you out poor guy" she was smiling now.

I was trying to hold in my laughter by this point, knowing that it was going to be hard to figure me out sense I always have my emotionless mask on and I serious doubt he can figure anything out from around school sense everyone respects my privacy."wish him luck cuz he ain't finding anything"I muttered.But Cookie heard me (Annalise)"you know you should really be nicer to him maybe he's not such a bad guy once you get to know him" she said hopeful.

I was surprised she knew very well that, I didn't like the guy and now she wants me to be nice to him.I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this one.And reply" fine but dont get mad at me when he goes missing for a month"I said the last part with false boredom because you could already see me enjoying the idea.

That is I was until we heard a crash and chicken wings flapping around like crazy.We looked at each other and dismounted our horses, running to where the crash sound came from.Sure enough guess what was the cause of the crash or more like who.

Thats right you guessed it.It was no one else but Mr.Player boy him self laying in a bunch of wood where there was a wall of the chicken coop.I shook my head and stock my hand out for him to grab.He hesitated at first (i wouldn't blame him after that hit this morning)then grabbed my hand.I pulled him up easily which seemed to impress him considering he probably weighs more than me.I try not to smirk at his impressed face but failed.

He quickly looked away clearly embarrassed about it for a few seconds before going back to his normal player ways putting a smirk on his face"So looks like you couldn't keep out of trouble Player boy" I said referring to the tractor still crashed into what was a wall of a chicken coop(poor chickens).His smirk immediately disappeared as he remembered what happened and rubbed the back of his head before answering"I saw this think and thought I'd give it a ride I didnt think it have such a kick to it" he said innocently.

I shook my head only he would be as stupid to try driving a tractor on his own.I walked up to him and knocked on hid head as if it was a door and asked "Any one in there??Does Mr.Player have a brain in there??".He grabbed my wrist to stop me from knocking on his head again and let go"Yes I do have a brain and I also have a Name its Nate... Nate Dixon".

Well what do you know the player has a name.




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