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Have you ever just acted differently than you normally do? Some people might think that your just bipolar or something is just wrong with you. The real reason is because you are finding out about different personalities. Sometimes, these "people" tend to become apart of us. Normally, humans don't give them actual names. But, as for me, I gave them names. 1) Amilia: the smart British girl/ the fox     2) Mikune: the child/ the wolf     3) Janae: the mean girl/ the devil     4) Jasmine: the soft, sensitive one/ the phantom     5) Jade: the big sister/ the lion. I know that actually naming your personalities is pretty creepy, but you have to learn to live with them. I've been stuck with these people for years, trust me, it gets pretty annoying. Nobody really understands why we have these certain emotions. Think about it like this, you grew up in a childhood where no one wanted to be your friend. In the case, the best thing for you to do is make some. This is how your "imaginary friends" come in. Imaginary friends are your emotions, you just wanted to make them real. This is another way on how kids get names for their friends. We may not realize it but, our emotions were their with us, even when no one was there for us. 

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