Chapter 3>So Unbelievable

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated! I've been having bad writer's block but i'm back! Here's a new chapter enjoy! and sorry if it sucks or is short!



Megans POV

"Meg? Meg? MEGAN!" I quickly snapped out of my trance, looking up to see five pairs of eyes on me. "You okay Meg?" Liam asked as the rest of the boys looked at me concerned. "Yes! Never better!" I quickly got up from where I was to get a glass of water. The lads and I have been chilling at my house, watching some of the telly when I went off day dreaming. I still couldn't believe the fact that they were here. The moment I saw them on the front porch I just wanted to hug them and cry-

Wait that does not mean I want to hug Harry. I certainly do not want to hug Harry.

I looked up at the time to see it was around dinner time. My mum had been sleeping all day since she was at work all last night on a shift. I knew there would be nothing else to eat so I got up to call in for pizza.

About half an hour later the doorbell rang, signaling pizza. We all must have been a bit hungry since all of us ended up fighting for the last slice. It ended up on the floor, and in the trash. I was quite upset, no wait I think Niall was more upset.

As the nighttime came rolling in we all decided to sleep in the basement since that was the only place that we would be able to sleep.

I took the couch, Niall took the futon, Liam and Zayn slept on the carpet near the telly, and Harry and Louis slept on the two recliners.

I heard muffled snores from all the boys as one in the morning rolled around. I over here though was still awake, and the only thing on my mind was the fact that Harry and I did not fight at all. i din;t know why it was on my mind, but it just was, and I certainly didn't like it.

Ever since I was little Harry and I never had anything in common, we would both argue over what television show to watch or what to do when we were bored since he practically lived over at my house and we ended up getting into big arguments. Harry was so rude though, he would always win or just end of being really rude and I would walk away.

Now something seemed different about Harry that I wasn't quite sure about and I was sure to find out.


I woke up to loud noises and girl screams? No it couldn't be. I climbed off the couch and stood up only to be knocked back down.

When I got my balance back, and stood up to meet a blue eyed, brown hair lad that was smirking down at me.

"Tomlinson, you are dead." He chuckled and ran away screaming like a girl. That would explain a lot.

I found everyone in the game room playing Mario Kart. "I CALL A REMATCH THAT WAS NOT FAIR!" Niall screamed. I laughed loudly as all eyes were turned towards me.

I just laughed more and walked upstairs, as I decided I should make the lads breakfast.

"BREAKFAST!" I yelled down to the boys. About two seconds later I heard the thumping from all the boys running up stairs.

They all bursted through the basement door, practically tripping over their own feet. I just laughed quietly to myself as I watched each and every one of them scarf down the food.


After an hour of cleaning up the mess from breakfast, all the lads decided to go back to Niall's since they dropped their stuff at his house. Niall lived the closest to me out of all the lads and I was happy about that.

I decided I would go up to my room and grab a shower before the lads got back.

The knock at my door erupted me from my mini dance party. I quickly padded over to the door and opened it to see Harry standing there, hands in his pockets, curls frami-

Wait no, stop it Meg.


"Um I just thought we could hang and-" I couldn't believe him.

"You think that you can just come back and assume everything is okay and that I forgot about that night. If that's what you thought then you are wrong." He just stood there in belief before he walked away, down the stairs and out the door.

He is unbelievable.


so i guess Meg didn't tell you everything about her and Harry!


i think you should go read my fan fiction 'When Destiny Calls' and go visit my friends profile! @niallhoran244 and read her story! 'Notes To Natalie'

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