Chapter 4>Memories

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{ i'm going to tell you write now that Chris is her ex boyfriend. you'll eventually understand }

Harry's Pov

She slammed the door in my face, as I stood there in disbelief. I thought that maybe things were getting better, that maybe she would forgive me for everything that happened. I know I messed up but, I wish things were different.

Do I really think that? Nah, wait I don't know. I honestly wanted to take everything back. Take back that night and what happened. If only I could ask the lads for advice, but it is never to be spoken of again.

I didn't realize I had been standing there, in front of Megan's door, when she opened it, staring up at me.

"Have you ever heard of leaving?" She mumbled. "What was that?" She looked up at me, "Nothing, now just leave, I don't need your company.

For some reason, there was a pain in my heart, I don't know why but for some reason it felt like she just slapped me across the face and shoved me down the stairs and out the door.

I quickly turned away and ran down the stairs. Slamming the door behind me.

Megan's Pov

He had this look on his face, as if I just broke him, as if the words I just said to him hurt him.

The slam of the front door brought me back to sense. I quickly texted Niall saying 'I didn't feel well'. I decided that I needed to take a break from being with them even though I have missed them so dearly.

I sat on the couch thinking of me and Harry, I didn't know why, but everything seemed to come back to me. Every fucking detail from that night.


The walk home from Chris's house seemed to be long and dreadful. I just wanted to get home, I wanted to crawl into bed and cry. My eyes were dry from the tears and I was shaking from the freezing cold.

I heard footsteps behind me, and at 11:30 at night it freaked me out a bit. I quickly turned around and saw a shadow. I told myself to run, but I stood frozen.

The figure approached me, and I made out the features to be Chris. "Baby, we can work this out." He grabbed my hand, I quickly pulled away and slapped him. "Don't call me baby, I am not your property." I spat at him. Before he had a chance to speak I made a run for it, down the empty London streets. I could only hear my heavy breathing and what sounded like footsteps getting closer. I ran into something, someone.

I looked up to see it was Harry, and for the first time in a while I was glad. We never seemed to like each other, always getting into an argument but I was glad to seem him.

Chris finally caught up, his eyes widened at the sight of Harry. "You left me for him?" I stood in disbelief. "No!" We both yelled. "Then just come home with me baby, everything will be alright." "No! I never want to go back to you, you treated me like shit and forced me into things I never wanted to do! Get away from me you dirtbag! I hate you, your a disgusting piece of shit."

"You take back those words!' He said grabbing my wrist. "No, why should I, what are you gonna do about it? Huh?" Before I knew it he slapped me across the face, picked me up and threw me to the ground. I couldn't get up, I was in too much pain. My face stung with pain and I started crying.

"How the hell do you have the guts do something like that, you dick!" That voice wasn't Chris's, it was Harry's. "Just leave now before you cause anymore trouble." Harry pushed him back. "Don't touch me man!" Harry was quick to punch him across the face, giving him a nice blow on the nose. He then got on top of him and started punching him. It was all to surreal.

"Harry! Stop it!" I screamed. Sure enough Harry got off of him and came over to me. "I don't need your help Harry, I was perfectly fine without you!" I stood up slowly walking away from the mess. I heard footsteps following me, but I quickened my pace, knowing I was just around the corner from my house.

"Let me just help you Meg!" I heard Harry say. "I turned around to be face to face with Harry. "No one calls me Meg, except for my friends. My real friends." I spat in his face. Instead of responding he leaned down and crashed his lips into mine. I kissed him back, feeling the butterflies in my stomach I never felt with Chris. They quickly vanished when reality sank in. I pushed him away. "I can't believe you, you can't just go around doing that you douche." I slapped him across the face before turning away feeling proud of myself. I had stood up to two guys in one night and it didn't cause me that much pain.

<End Flashback>

It was all clear to me now, I didn't hate Harry. There were clear feelings that needed to be determined.

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