Loving in the Summer

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Richelle, at only the age of eighteen, found herself on a summer vacation with her two best friends in North Carolina. She hadn't thought much of the trip, just something fun to do with her girls. She didn't know that the boy who would easily steal her heart was already there, and she wasn't prepared for the heartache and trouble he would bring.


"Wake up!" Senia screamed at me.

I moaned and waved a hand at her. Next thing I knew she was jumping on my bed and hitting me with my own pillow, which she'd just torn out from beneath me.

"Go away!" I said, though I couldn't help laughing

"No, we're going to be late."

"Late for what?" I asked, sitting up and pushing her off my bed.

She landed on her feet and spun around to look at me, with a childish smile. "We're going to be late for the dance!" She giggled.

We had arrived in this small country side town three days ago, and Olivia had already gotten us invited, by some very cute boys, to a town dance, held every summer for the teenagers that lived here. 

"That's not until tonight," I said feeling the mess that was my morning hair on top of my head. 

"Yeah, and you look like crap, so lets get going!" She grabbed my hand and drug me out of bed.

As we stood side by side in her aunts guest bathroom I looked at her, "Where's Olivia?" I asked.

She smiled, "Oh, she had a breakfast date. She just left about ten minutes ago."

That was so like Olivia to already have all the boys swooning over her. She was the whole reason we'd been invited to this dance in the first place. Sure, I got a little jealous sometimes, but who wouldn't? And its not really her fault she's freaking gorgeous! 

"Oh," I smiled, "That's nice." I examined my own face in the mirror now. My brown eyes starred back at me as I ran a brush through my multi-colored hair. I had just dyed it so many times that now it was a jungle of black, brown, and red. I wasn't unattractive, but I still wouldn't call myself beautiful. But, really, no one thinks they're beautiful, we're all so hard on ourselves. 

"What are you thinking about?" Senia asked me as she turned to leave the room.

I fallowed her, "Oh, nothing. Just stuff."

We sat down on the couch and she looked at me a little bewildered, "We're best friends but sometimes I fell like I don't even know you."

I went stiff. I didn't like talking about it, but I had a slight issue with, well, people in general. It's really hard for me to let them in, and even once I do, I try to keep them at arms length. I just smiled at her comment and tried to laugh it off, "Oh, you know me." I said, "For instance, you know that I'm a crazy bitch." I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed.


Olivia arrived back home at around twelve. She was bubbling and excited, and couldn't wait to sit down and tell us about every single boring detail of her date. After about ten minutes of her going on Senia had to go take an aspirin, but I didn't want to be rude, so I sat there and listened.

"And then, he said, 'See you later' like what is that supposed to mean?" She waited for a response, but I'd drowned her out on accident "Richelle!?"

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