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*At the Kim's House*

*Ring Ring*

"Hello Clarisse how can i help you"

"Miss Kim this is the police, Clarisse is at (hospital name), we need you to come as soon as possible"

"Yes...Sweetheart i need to go to the hospital, its Clarisse"

"Is she okay"

"I dunno, i have to go, could you let Taehyung know"

"Of course dear"

*At dance practice*

"1,2,3,4.....Thats its more enthusiasm please".

"Can we please take a break" Taehyung said.

"Fine but 10 minutes".

Taehyung walked over to his phone to see a text from his dad saying "call me when you can, emergency".

"Hey guys I'll be back i need to make a phone call"

"Okay be quick" Namjoon said

"Hey dad whats wrong"

"Its Clarisse, she's in hospital"

"What happened".

"I dunno, your mums on her way there now to see her".

"Okay, were im on my way"

"Shes at (hospital name)"

"Okay". Taehyung rushed back into the dance room and picked up his bags.

"Woah were you going" Jungkook asked..

"Its Clarisse"

"What happened" Jimin asked.

"Shes been rushed to hospital, i dunno whats happened but i need to go"

"Im coming with you" Jimin said. And with that they both rushed out of the dance studio and headed to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

"Hello, im here to see one of your patients that was rushed in earlier today"..

"Is that Clarisse"

"Yes ma'am"

"Shes still in surgery at the moment so i cant tell you much, sorry".

"Mum, how is she". Taehyung asked out of breath.

"I dunno, shes still in surgery"

"What happened"

"Apparently she was attacked on her way home".

"Oh my gosh this is all my fault, Im so sorry Jimin"

"No its not, stop blaming yourself"

"Shes right Tae". They all sat down in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out. Eventually the doctor came out and we were able to see her.

We all walked into her room, she looked weak, she had bruises all over her, who did this to her. I stayed by the door Whilst Jimin ran pass me and sitting beside her and grabbing her hand.

"Its okay Clarisse im here" Jimin said.

*Clarisse POV*

I woke up to the sound of someone saying my name and holding my hand, i began to slowly open my eyes and thats when i realised who it was.

"Jimin" i said weakly.

"Hey im here"

"Were am i and why aint you at practice"

"Your in hospital, you were attacked on the way home when Taehyung got the message from his dad"

"Were is Taehyung"

"Im here"

"Come here, dont think about blaming yourself for one minute okay". I pulled him in for a hug.

"Where's everyone else"

"They will be here after practice". As Jimin replied he put his hand on my cheek and started to rub it softly with his thumb, i just smiled at him and fell back to sleep.

*Taehyung of POV*

"Jimin im going to let the boys know whats happening, and get a change of clothing, dont you think you should do the same"

"Im not leaving her alone again okay, heres my keys pick some clothes up for me".

"Okay". Iv never seen him like this before, does he have feelings for her or does he just feel responsible like i do, i dunno.

I messged the boys all of the details, changed my clothes and got some new clothes for Jimin.

*end of Taehyung pov*

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