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Jin whats happend, is he okay". I looked over at Jimin and i could see the concernd look on his face.

"I dont know, we were in a car accident, hes in surgery, i dont know whats happening".

"Okay we will be there as soon as we can". I hung up the phone and started to grab my coat.

"Jimin get your things we need to go"


"The hospital, its Jungkook, ill explain on the way, can your mum give us a lift."

"Sure". We quickly grabbed our coat and shoes and hurried downstairs. Jimin explained what was going on to his mun and she agreed to take us to the hospital.

We reached the hospital and we both ran into the reception area where we saw all the other boys. I ran up to Jin and gave him a big hug, reassuring him by telling him it wasnt his fault. As we were waiting for an update Jin explained what had happend.

Its been an hour since we arrived and still no sign of Jungkook or even the doctor. As we were waiting i felt Jins hand tighten around mine.

"Jin what is it". I looked up to see where he was looking, he was staring at a man with such anger. He didnt have to say anything, i knew he was the driver of the other car, i jump out of my seat and rushed towards him.

"You son of a b***h". You punched him and the boys came rushing over to stop you from hitting him more.

"Clarise stop its not worth it, hurting him isnt going to help Jungkook". You tried wiggling out of Jimins arms but he was too strong. He took you outside to calm down, so much anger took over your body which then eventually turned into tears.

You sat on the floor and hid your face in your knees, you couldnt cope with losing someone else in your life. You've lost to many people you care about.

"Clarisse come on sweetheart he'll be fine".

"Will he, Jimin iv lost to many people, its seem like no matter where i am or who im with someone ends up getting hurt or i lose them"

"Hey look at me, were not going to lose him, hes a fighter okay". You nodded at him and he pulled you into a hug.

"Guys, hes awake" Jin said. You and Jimin rushed back into the hospital and ran to the room he was in. He looked a little pale but like Jimin said hes a fighter.

"Jin, its not your fault okay dont blame yourself". Jungkook pulled jin into a hug and jin startes to cry.

"Jimin where's my parents".

"They're on there way here, i dont know when they will arrive".

We all sat around and stayed with Jungkook until we had to leave, it was almost 8:00 so we all headed home.

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