Chapter 4 - My Greatest Fear

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At last, the car stopped. We arrived in front of a small cabin. There wasn't a car in sight, miles around, and wifi was completely out of range. I guess I'd have to use my data. Actually, it seemed very much like we were going to get murdered. The thought made me shudder a little. "Get out," the man ordered, disturbing my thoughts. All of us got out of the car, slowly dragging ourselves outside, clear that we all had the same thought. We cautiously followed the man inside. There was nowhere to run to, and we had no idea where the hell we were, so it was best to stay on good terms with the Donut Wheel man. Adam anxiously held the knife, his sweat visible on the knife.

"Where are we? Why are we here?" He mumbled to the man. The man didn't respond. On purpose or not, we couldn't tell. Adam spoke up, louder, "Where are WE? WHY ARE WE HERE?" Quickly, the man turned toward us. Just as fast, Adam pointed the knife at him.

The man laughed. "You're safe and you'll be even safer in a minute." Adam slowly withdrew the knife. "Come on, follow me to the back. There will be a small shack. Knock on it four times, then let 'lucky little missy' here show her mark to the others. Go inside and don't worry, I'll be there soon," the man said.

The shack was old, the bark peeling off and the hinges rusting. It was something like what you would see in a Tumblr picture, the filters making the shed look picturesque. Gabriella stepped forward a little.

"I'll knock," she said so that only us could hear her. No one else spoke. She mentally got herself ready. She put her hands in fists and pounded on the door, each knock sounding louder than the one before. I mentally counted each time she knocked. One, Two, Three... On the final knock, the door glowed blue, the same blue as my mark.

"Show it," Wendy said quietly. We all knew she meant my mark from the explosion.

I put my arm up, revealing the blue engraving on my arm. The shack glowed even brighter, and the door opened. No one was inside, as far as we could see. I motioned for us to walk inside, following the man's orders. At that moment, I decided that all of us had to trust the man. With all the events played out, no one would truly believe us as much as the man did. I realized that none of us actually knew his name yet, but right now, that didn't matter. I bravely stepped into the shed first, everyone else after me, naturally separated into twos, with Maia at the back.

As I walked inside, everything changed. The floor and walls shifted in front of my eyes. The shack suddenly became four stories high and looked like a home for a princess. All of a sudden, I was surrounded by people I didn't know, all of them wearing the same suits. It looked like a normal mansion, but there was something off about it. Probably the fact that this palace used to be an old shed. I turned around to see that my friends' faces were in shock, as much mine was. Adam protectively got his knife ready.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?" Maia screamed. She yelled so loud, that even Wendy was taken by appeal. I had never seen Maia like this, so... distraught. She was always so calm, but today, we all had a new personality.

"Where the hell are we?" I repeated quieter, feeling the tears come to my eyes. I realized the reality of the situation. Just thinking about the outcome brought tears to my eyes.

"What if I never see my family again?" Wendy continued, reading our mind. Edwin nodded vigorously. He always lightened up the mood a little more. None of us wanted to be wherever the hell we were, but at the same time, we were all extremely lucky to be here.

A girl, Indian, and around our height, came up to us. She had short, straight black hair. A tall blond boy had his hand around her waist, as she playfully struggled from his grip. "Welcome to the Bonum Spectrum. I'm Ria, and this is Chris. Like most people, you might not have heard of us, but if you shut up and listen, we'll explain," she said. This girl meant business, I thought.

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