Chapter 13- Ukraine All Over Again

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"WHAT?!" I just got back from their base and I don't plan on going any time soon. "I really don't want to go back there as a Keq member."

Hunter smiled, obviously happy at what I just said, "You won't need too. You can take your whole group, and in fact, you will not go without them, because Luke will be there, and last time, things got steamy. You know where the base is, so sneak in, find the plans, and stop them. How easy is that?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes and slapped her forehead. "We have no idea where the base is, mastermind," she said.

"Ukraine," I said, biting on the bottom of my lip. "We can probably track down the helicopter, hopefully. Sure our group and go, but what about Hunter? We can't leave him. He's our leader."

"He'll be healed by the time you come back," Ria said, wiping off some green liquid, "The problem is, will Alexander let you go?"

Hunter pushed himself up with one hand, "Let them go without telling him. Track the helicopter down secretly, so after they succeed and get the info, he'll be more thankful. Give them a tracker so we can, you know, save them if they get caught. Hopefully that won't be necessary with the escape training we have had." He raised his eyebrows at the last sentence and everyone nodded. "Okay, well I'm going to sleep. Be careful, that's all I have to say. Oh, and Ember, please don't fall for him again," he said jokingly, but we knew he was serious.

"Because I want you to be mine," Wendy teased mimicking Hunter. "Don't worry, Hunter, you're her crush after that Siren weirdo," she said.

I rolled my eyes and tugged hard on Wendy's sleeve. "Ignore her. Okay, after you track the helicopter down, can you tell me? I want to go to my room and rest, and I have a book I need to return."

"I'll go with her," Maia added, motioning for Gabriella to come too.

Hunter coughed over his words, "You all should go. I need to get checked on by more healers and it might be bloody."

"And naked!" Edwin added, jumping out of Wendy's reach.

We all laughed. I blushed and turned, trying not to imagine the image Edwin placed in my head. "Let's just go. Wendy are you coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, Adam take Edwin to your room," Wendy ordered, fixing her sleeves.

Adam nodded and smiled at Edwin, "Okay, let's go Edwin." He smiled at Gabriella, "Love you."

"Same," Gabriella said before exiting the room.

Walking to the room was extremely awkward for Wendy, since we discussed the book which Wendy had no idea about. I was fascinated about Alvara and how the moon talked to her, and Maia said it was most likely a person posing to be the moon. Gabriella said she could care less, as long as Alvara was long dead. Wendy called us all crazy, but she had to admit, over all the things that happened over the last few days, this was the most normal. Wendy tried to change the topic and convince my friends that I was a double agent, but we ignored her when Gabriella mentioned that I had to lead them in the Siren mission. Maia was also bothered by this, since she learned how to plan everything, but having barely any information about this, compared to me, she felt useless. After we made her realize she was pretty amazing with a bow and arrow, she smiled and wouldn't stop saying how 'bad' she was, until we got to the bedroom door.

I opened the door, causing it to creak. Gabriella jumped up on her bed and we all did the same, although less recklessly. Wendy noticed the weird book on the floor and picked it up. We warned her not to open it, but being Wendy, she rolled her eyes and started to open it. The three of us that already read the book, ran out of the room. Wendy called us weird for running out like that, but then we could hear her scream as she got stuck inside the book, like we once did. We got back on our beds and waited for Wendy to return.

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