Hi! My name is Katie White, but everybody calls me KW. I'm fifteen years old. My birthday is March 31st. I live with my dad and his 3rd wife Patricia, and our live-in housekeeper. My daddy is a billionaire and I'm entitled to all his money when he passes. My mom died when I was four. My dad has been having a hard time finding someone again. Every time he has good sex with someone he marries them. I'm the only child. We live in Detroit, Michigan. I go to a public school with my two best friends, Derek Dwight and Cate Gross, because I refuse to go to a private school. Derek just had his birthday so he's 18 and Cate will be 17 this year. We do everything together. They are the closest people I have to siblings. I love them. They protect me and I protect them. Even though, I'm 5'3". Yeah I'm short. Enjoy my diary, nosey.
Diary of A Spoiled Little Rich Girl
Novela JuvenilKatelynn Ann White is a 15 year old girl living in Detroit, Michigan with her father and step mother. Life is not going planned for the young teenager. But with her two best friends, Cate and Derek, she can hopefully get her life back on track and f...