What did you just say

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Lizza pov
Todays friday, thank god. I got up and put on whats in the pic and ran downstairs. "Hey guys" i said. The all said hi. I ate my food quickly." Damn godzilla dont eat the plate" justin snickred. I rolled my eyes and went to get my phone and back pack. I checked the time to see I was late"crap " i ran to my car and speed to school.  I ran to first period.  "Im so sorry im late miss Parker. "I said trying to catch my breath . "It's ok lizza just take your seat. " she said calmly,  that is why miss parker was my favorite teacher,  she was chill. I went to the back and sat next to jaxon. "Hey" he muttered. "sup" i blushed remembering yesterday when i thought out loud."practice today okay ".  He nodded.

At  lunch *******************
I walked over to where I normally sit with kecy but see queen plastic.  "Hey bitch " veronica says.

I roll my eyes and walk away from her. "You think,you could say what you said yesterday and get away with it. " she shouted. I sighed in frustration,  "look here little girl,  i don't have time for this shit. " i said calmly and turn to walked away.

"Your such a slut,  your f****** the new guy.  Your probably f******* your dad and brother. ".
I stopped "what did you just say" i said getting in her face. She just smirked. "I sai…" she didn't get to finish because i punched her square in the face. She let out a scream.  Her little minons where by her side in a second. "Not smirking now are we" i chuckled. "MISS TAYLOR AND MISS HUDSON IN MY OFFICE NOW!!! " principal Rodney  shouted.

Crap.  If i get a detention or worse this will destroy my record. "Miss Rodney i can explain,  veronica accused me of sleeping with jaxon and then said i was sleeping with my dad and brother" i shuddered  at the last part. "Is this true veronica. " she asked.  "Umm uh no? " veronica said making it sound more like a question. "Ok,  detention for tomorrow veronica and lizza  you will be helping miss Rowland for tomorrow.  Is that clear ", miss Rowland was the librarian,  we both mumbled a yes and got up. "This is not over slu…err i mean lizza,  i will get you back." She shouted being careful with her choice of words.

"And ill be waiting. "I yelled out not turning around going to my next class but i hit a wall and fell on my back

"Damn,why to go liza." I muttered with me eyes closed. Then the wall chuckled.....wait what. I opened my eyes to see jaxon in all his 8 pack glory.

"You think out loud AND talk to you self,your so weird." He said while helping me up. I put on a pout"good weird i hope". "Definitely" he smirked.

"So a couple of us are coming to my house tonight to play truth or dare ,would you.like to come" he said hopefully. "Sure, can i bring to friends" he nodded.

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