My Life

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  Ok let's start with some background info. I am short, have long red hair(not natural), age 19, and I live in Southern Florida.

I should've died three years ago.

Ya, you read that right. I was in a car accident with my father. Well they called it an accident, but I know the real reason we crashed on the freeway. My dad was involved with, let's just say illegal, business.

He was driving me to my soccer game in Miami. All of a sudden we were going over 90 mph, then 100, then 110, and my dad couldn't stop the car. The brake lines had been cut. As we hit the side guard rail, he died instantly upon impact, and thankfully I survived with only a broken arm and a bunch of scars down my legs from the shattered glass.

Anyways, my mom remarried Rick half a year later, and that is where everything started. Rick killed my mom. He always had a bad temper and one day he lost it and shot her. Then he told the police she committed suicide. I wanted to tell them the truth but he threatened to kill me too. That would've been better than what my life became.

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