Back To Her Old Self

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Miranda's pov

"K-Keith it's Miranda." I shakily say. He gasps on the other end. "Wow, I know it's been a while. I uh how are ya doing?" "I'm uh I'm doing. I guess. I miss you Keith. I miss you so much." "I miss you too." I fight back the tears. "Do you.... Wanna come over?" It's silent for a good three minutes. "Definitely." My heart soars and I stand up quickly.

Jason's pov

Someone knocks on the door. "Dad, is it okay if Keith comes over?" Keith? I didn't know those two were talking. "Yeah sure but keep it down." I hear her running footsteps. "Well, I sure didn't see that coming." I mumble, staring at the ceiling. "This is good for her. Keith is a good kid much better than anyone else she dated." I fully agree. I just thought they were broken up.

Miranda's pov

The door opens. Tears rush down my cheeks. "Keith." I whisper. He smiles and holds his arms out which I gladly run into. "Oh Keith I'm so glad you're here! It's been so hard on me the last few weeks." I feel someone else hugging me too. I turn around to Erica. I'm a little surprised. Me and Keith sit on the couch. "What happened?" "I fell into a bad crowd." I say, laying my head against his shoulder. I missed the comfort of his arms.

*later that day*

"So can we have another shot?" I ask. He smiles. "I never stopped loving you."

Jason's pov

I watch them from the top of the stairs. Now that is the guy I want with my daughter. "I love you too, Keith and I'm so sorry." "There's nothing to be sorry for." I wonder what she's talking about. I walk downstairs before he leaves. He smiles and waves. "Hey Keith long time no see." We shake hands. "Good to see ya again, Mr. Aldean." I smile. "Please, Mr. Aldean is my father. Just call me Jason." We both laugh since that's one of the oldest and lamest things to say.


I knock on Miranda's door. "Come in." I open the door and she's sitting on her bed writing something. "Hey hun, can we talk?" "Sure." I sit on the other end of her bed. "I really like Keith. He's a good kid so I have no problems with you going out with him." "I'm glad. I made a huge mistake breaking up with him." I rub my neck curious. "Yeah what did happen between you two?" Her smile fades. She stares at her hands. "It was about the time I met Daryl and his gang. He said Keith was too controlling and for some dumbass reason I listened to him." I sigh. "Watch your language." "Sorry, I guess it's gonna take a while for all that to get outta my system." I smile and hug her. "I'm glad you're back to the girl I know. I love you sweetheart." "I love you too daddy." We share a hug then I go check on the twins who are fast asleep.

Miranda's pov

I take my hearing aids out and lay down. I missed the old me too. I stare at the pictures in my locket. "Goodnight mama, I love you so much." I whisper, closing it and falling into a pleasent dreamy sleep.

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