Chapter 11

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with school and band and just life in general. Again, please please please, comment, vote, and share if you enjoy and let me know what I need to work on. Thanks lovelies.

I put my phone on my nightstand and continue to lay on my bed for several moments thinking and breathing. After those few peaceful moments end, I stand and stretch a little. I open my door and head downstairs to where my mother and Beck sit at the kitchen table. I decide to stay out of sight for a few minutes to observe they're conditions. I hear quiet sniffle, as I expected. Then . . .


I peek around the corner to see them having quiet conversation over my mother's scrapbook from the last few years. I hear little tidbits of conversation. "Remember when she . . ." laughter. "Yes! And that time when . . ." I smile a little, happy to know they weren't mourning because she was gone, but they were celebrating because she lived.

I looked down at my feet, feeling a tingly sensation. I see a yellow almost vapor -like substance clouding around me and worming it's way up my body. Suddenly I felt almost euphoric, but still with navy streaks of sadness that stung just enough for me to know they were there. I feel it clouding around my head and decide it was time for me to tell Beck about the whole situation. I know I'll feel terrible for it and will probably be in extreme amounts of pain for it, but it needs to be done.

"Beck." He looks at me and I see the vapor change again. This one was new. I watched the colors work their way to me changing from the yellow and navy to a brown that fades into a dark scarlett. I waited curiously and fearfully for it to get to me. I couldn't feel it when it hit my feet at first. As it traveled up my body I realized I was in fact feeling something. I was feeling what he felt.

I felt nothing.

I felt numb, empty, but at peace. I realized he was waiting on me to say something, and I was staring at him like a mad lady.

"Can I talk to you. . . Privately?" I looked at my mom, hoping she'd get the hint. She nodded.

"I'm gonna go put these back. Yall go set up a cot or something for Beck and talk while you're at it." We nodded and departed for my room.

"So what's up, Sierra?" He looked at me.

"We need to talk." His face dropped.

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