1. The Big Ask

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It is prom season at Abigail Adams High in the gang's senior year. Riley and Lucas are dating, and have been since Christmas of freshman year.

Flashback to Christmas

Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Smakle, Maya, and Zay are sitting in the Matthews' apartment exchanging gift on Christmas Day. Maya is currently fawning over Josh. Riley and Lucas have just given each other their gifts. "On three we open them. Right?" Lucas asked. "Yup"
"Three!" They screamed together. They ripped open the gifts. They looked at the gifts in awe. Riley looked at her beautiful gold locket which on the inside had a picture of the whole group, and a picture of she and Lucas. Lucas was shocked as he had the same thing only in key chain form to put on his keys. They looked up at each other wide eyed. They started to speak at the same time, "I love it." Riley flung her arms around Lucas to hug him, he hugged back instantly. "I love it, Lucas. Can you put on for me?" Riley took it out of the box and handed it to him. She turned around and pulled her hair up. When his hands brushed her neck they didn't feel sparks, but fireworks run throughout their bodies. She turned back around, what seemed to be slow motion. Slowly they both lent in and kiss for the first time since their first date back in seventh grade. They pulled back smiling. 'Whoa' was the only thing spoken before leaning in again; both having missed the feeling of the other's lips on their own. The only reason they pulled apart was because Cory walked into the room and screamed. Let's just saw that Lucas walked home with one shoe and the biggest smile from the fact that he just got himself, Riley Matthews as a girlfriend.

Flashback over

Riley was now standing at her locker with Maya, complaining that Lucas still hasn't done the big ask. Ever since the eighth grade semi-formal Lucas has done the big ask before every dance, even after they started dating. "Prom is two weeks, Maya. He still hasn't done the big ask yet!" Maya just sighed, shook her head, and walked away with a pouty Riley trailing behind her. Little did they know that Charlie "Cheese Sufflé" Gardner was listening.

Later that day Riley and Maya were sitting in Riley's room doing homework. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Riley turned to Maya asking if she was expecting anyone. Maya just gave her a smirk and walked out of the room pulling her wrist. Maya opens the door expecting to see Lucas doing his big ask but instead sees Charlie Gardner, holding a bouquet of roses. After snapping herself out of shock, Riley asks Charlie what he's doing here. "Well, Riley I heard you talking to Maya this morning about prom and how Lucas still hasn't asked you yet. So, I figured I would. Riley will you go to the prom with me?" Riley couldn't believe her ears. "Charlie, that's very sweet of you to ask, but-" Charlie cut her off "but?" She sighed and said "But, Lucas is still my boyfriend and I'm going to go with him no matter what. I was just upset he didn't do the big ask yet." She gave him a sad smile just as Lucas walked in holding a bouquet of Riley's favorite flower, purple tulips. "Hey Riles, what's going on here?" Before she could answer, Charlie cut in. "Well, Friar. What I'm doing here is, asking Riley to prom seeing how you haven't." He had such a smug look on his face. Lucas scoffed "And you planned on doing so with roses? That just proves my point. Riley hates roses. Her favorite flower is purple tulips. That's why I wasn't here sooner, the florist had run out so I was waiting for them to get more." Riley smiled and ran over to her boyfriend and give him a big hug while he spun her around. "So, that's a yes?" "Yes, yes, yes, babe. A million times, YES!" She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him full force. The kissing went on for minutes only coming up for air once or twice. Charlie was still standing there and it was obvious neither Riley or Lucas was going to do anything about it. Maya took it upon herself to dismiss Charlie. "And now you're done here. So uh-buh bye!" She pushed him out the door, leaving her self moments later; not know long this could do for she quickly exited.

First chapter of Girl Meets Prom! 760 words. When in the intro I said I would bring back characters I missed Charlie was not one of them. They will be here soon. Until next time.
😘 Rebecca

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