2. Vote Me For Prom Queen

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Prom is now a week and a half away. It is Wednesday and Riley and Lucas are sitting in home room, when Principal Larkin comes on the morning announcements. "Good morning Fighting Patriots! This Principal Larkin with a few morning announcements. First, whoever is prank calling the office saying terrible jokes, don't. Please you're not funny. Next, boy's basketball practice is canceled today. Now to what you've all been wait for, prom king and queen nominations." Cheers erupted while Riley grabbed Lucas' hand do to nerves. She really wanted to be prom queen. "Now the nominees for king are Billy Ross, Yogi, and Lucas Friar. The nominees for queen are Missy Bradford, Darby Walker, and Riley Matthews! Congratulations and good luck! Have a good day students and staff." Riley and Lucas were in serious violation of the school's PDA policy, as they were engaged in a passionate kiss. They pulled away as they bell rang. They walked out of homeroom holding hands, walking to science with Mr. Norton. Over the years science has become one of Riley's favorite subjects. It also helped that Lucas has been her partner since freshman year. "So, do you want to come over today to work on campaign posters?" "Well Riles, I was already planning on that but now have an excuse," he joked as they walked into class.

Later that day Riley and Lucas were sitting at the bay window working on their campaign. "What do ya think?" Riley took a step back from her work.

"I love it princess

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"I love it princess. Great job. What do you think of the pins I worked on?" Lucas asked. "I love them, baby."


In the kitchen Topanga was working on her latest case, while Auggie, Ava, and Doy playing in the living room. Cory burst through the door with a cheeky grin on his face. "Guess what I signed us up to do?" "What did you do?" Topanga looked up from her laptop to look at her husband. "We along with Shawn, Katy, and Eric are going to be chaperons at the prom!" "Okaaaay. Couple questions." "Yeeess?" "1. Do Shawn, Katy, and Eric know about this? 2. Did you you do this just to spy on Riley? 3. What are we going to do with Auggie, Ava, and Doy? We're watching them that night." Cory thought for a moment before answering, "No, yes, and take them with us." He made his way over the kids and asked, "Hey guys, how would you three like to come to Riley's senior prom?" "YAYYYY!" they answered quickly. Ava soon realized she had to go get a dress. "Come on boys we got some shopping to do." She grabbed Auggie's hand and Doy's wrist to go shopping. Auggie and Doy groaned as they were pulled out the door. "We should probably follow them." Topanga said getting up. "Yeah probably." Cory followed her out the door.

The next day at school all of the nominees were campaigning. Darby and Yogi were having a bake sale, Missy and Billy were handing out buttons at the front door. Riley and Lucas were hanging up posters, handing out buttons and along with the help of Maya and Farkle handing out cupcakes. 'Vote Riley and Lucas for prom king and queen!' they said that to everyone walking by. Ringggggg. The bell rang and everyone went to class. Riley, Lucas, Farkle, and Maya were parking up the cupcakes when Missy and Billy walked by. "What is this the 90s? You need more than this today to win prom royalty," Missy said with a fake smile even a blind person could see through. Lucas was confused so he asked, "But aren't you just giving out buttons?" Missy walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What this? Oh, this is just phase one." With that she and Billy walked off. "Lucas, do you think I should be worried? She's had it out for me since seventh grade." "Don't worry Princess, I'll protect you." They intertwined hands and walked off.

The next day when Riley got to school everyone was looking at her. She brushed it off and went to Lucas' locker like everyday. She gave him hug and pecked his cheek. "Hey baby, how was your night?" "It was fine. Missed you though." "Awe, so cute. I missed you too. I'm going to go to my locker." "Okay. I'll be there in a minute. I'm just finishing up here." Riley walked to her locker to find Maya standing there wide eyed. "Riles, you may want to look at this." "Maya, what are-" Riley looked where Maya was looking. "OH MY GOD! Maya, where did this come from?" On Riley's locker was a poster with a picture of Riley when she was six, hanging upside down on the monkey bars with her skirt over her face. With the words 'Do you want this, to be your prom queen? Vote Missy for prom queen' Lucas walked over, saw looking at what was happening. He went to the locker tore down the poster, and went to console Riley. "C'mon let's go to your dad's classroom." Riley was frozen in shock, so he put his arm around her, guiding her. Maya following a few seconds later, but not before giving everyone in the hallway the stink eye. Cory walked into his classroom only to see Riley on Lucas' lap sobbing into his shoulder. "What happened here? Riley?" She just shook her head. Maya then answered, "Missy put this on her locker." She handed the poster to Cory. Cory went over to Riley and started rubbing her back in an effort to calm her down. Maya took this opportunity to slip out of the room to give Missy a piece of her mind. Missy was at her locker putting on lip gloss, when Maya found her. She didn't notice Maya until she slammed her locker shut. "Listen up Bradford and listen good. If you ever want to mess with Riley again, don't. She is my best friend. So if you want to mess with her, you will go through me first." With that she walked off feeling proud of herself for sticking up for her little plant.

1,035 words. This is by far the longest chapter yet. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting. Also comments if you get where the name Principal Larkin comes from. This is one is tough one. Most OCs that I have will be based on characters from moviesTV shows, musicals, and possibly books. Oh, and before I forget the character I brought back that I missed was Doy, not Missy and or Billy
😘 Rebecca

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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