Meet Reggie, a 15 year-old Albino "part time" high school student.
Looking different didn't stop Reggie from becoming very popular in school. Besides being very funny and having disproportionately big feet for a short chubby kid, he has street cred. He holds the school record for most classes skipped in a term - that's why he calls himself a "part time" student.
He skips gym class a lot, but for good reason. Because of Albinism, he puts on sunscreen to protect his skin, even when it's overcast out. He hates the feeling and the smell of sweat mixed with thick sunscreen. Yuck.
When Reggie is in class though, you'll know. He is very loud and he jokes a lot. His jokes in class are always borderline inappropriate, but never crossed the line. Reggie has perfected his "jokesmanship". Even teachers can't help but to laugh at his jokes. It is hard to find someone who doesn't like Reggie.
Connie the Coffee Cup
RomanceWe are propped up and then crushed. We are filled up and then drained. We are held and then dumped. We live a short but beautiful life. We only have one chance to find true love before we get dumped. The lottery begins once we arrive at the cof...