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My phone starts ringing. I ask myself why im not answering max but even if I tried I know I wouldn't be able to make out a word. All I can do is reach over to my phone and look at it I know I probably look like a jerk but it's my room mate and who knows what she's burned down this time.

What is she doing why has she not answered me. I dont even know how to react. Am I supposed to take it as a no? It's been like 3 minutes jeez.


"H-hello" I barely make oit to the phone.

"Omg thank god you finally answered ur acting like such a basic biotch ." She replies

"Wait why the fuck are you calling me?" I say with more confidence.
"I miiiiiggghhht have set the house on fire" she says slowly
I can feel my eyes widen I mean that was probably the most guilty I set the house on fire oh wait let me take a selfie moment I have ever heard.
I tried to stay calm and asked " and how the fuck did you manage to do that."
"Weeeell I was using my hairspray-"
"I'll be over why dont you call the fire department"
" fa ur da per t munt " she pronounced.
"Neva herd of dem "
" you - you know what i'll just call them" I hang up.
"What the fuck is going on?" Max asks
I walk away him following while muttering that my house is burning down as we speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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