Chapter two

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~Hope's POV~
Pete was complaining... again!! Of course I was going to yell at him, who wouldn't. Jessica doesn't like us fighting all the time, but he's so easy to argue with. The fact is he is very punch able. Jessica all of the sudden gasps, in horror or thrive I don't yet know. Pete jumps over to the computer she was looking at and he must have noticed the same thing she did 'cause he flat out fainted. When I looked at the computer, I saw two strange people confused I asked, "who the heck are those people?"
" They are most likely our parents." She said flatly.
"What do you mean 'they are most likely our parents'?" I ask confused.
"I mean that those people on that computer screen are our parents. When I saw the picture of them a memory just, sort of, clicked, like I had known it all along but needed a little emphasis." She said.
"But that can't be we've never seen out parents. They were supposed to be dead, mom dying in labor for me, dad going crazy and committing suicide! That's what we've been told from by everyone!"
All of the orphanage directors have told us the same story over, and over again when ever we ask about our parents.
"Well apparently they lied. The article attached to the picture said, 'although missing, and not seen for years, we have a very reliable source telling us that they are alive.' So they are just missing." Jessica says casually.
"Well come on, what are you waitin' for lets get going" I say excitedly.
"Hold up, where are you going exactly?" She said.
"To find our parents what else. We know that they're alive but missing, we can find them if we look hard enough."
At that moment Pete wakes up and mutters something that I couldn't understand, the passed out again. It's almost as if being awake with the vision of our parents was to hard for him. That brings me to a point.
"Wait, why didn't I recognize them like you two? Pete passed out for goodness sake." I say exasperated.
"Well the day they went missing was also the day of your birth, so it was physically impossible for you to recognize them." She says this in a matter-of-fact kind if tone that I absolutely hate.
"So now what are u blaming me for their disappearance, now?! Or are you just gonna say 'just calm down Hope' like you always do! Well maybe I want to break out of this prison to find our parents! Maybe, just maybe I actually had hope for having the family I never met, unlike you two!" I burst out all the emotion I've been caring for twelve years, not trusting anyone to my secrets.
"How dare you say that, I would never blame you for something so huge!  I can't help if  me and Pete were borne first!  And if you think you are the only one that cares about this family than you are wayyy off, Pete cares as much as I do and we care as much, if not more, than you 'cause we actually met our parents!"
At this I storm out  of the room hot headed and crying. My temper matching my fiery red hair, as the past orphanage director told me ten months ago.

Authors note:
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed the little fight between Jessica and Hope.  Nobody could ever have to much drama in a book.


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