Chapter five

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**Hope's point of view**

I hear Jess calling my name from the roof and think oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh. But I don't turn to face her, I could bear to see her look of sadness or disappointment.

I start to find my way to the stream and eventually reach it. I realize quickly that if I'm gonna do this I'll need some sleep, so I pull out my blanket al start looking for a comfy-ish place to sleep.

I wake up at, I'm guessing, around 8 o' clock in the morning and wonder were I am, then I remember the happenings of the night before.

" I wonder if Jess or Pete ever found that note" I pounder aloud. "I hope they don't understand the vague clues cause I don't want to be found right away."

I slowly get up from my resting place and start looking around my surroundings to see if there is anything that will be useful through the my journey. I find an old, rusty pocket watch that somehow still has battery left in it, an out of style pocket knife which could be come very helpful, and I find a water bottle that was left behind from the latest of the orphanage parties thrown my the popular, mean kids here.

**Jess's point of view**

After seeing Hope leave I woke up Pete to see if he saw anything, naturally he was asleep the whole time, with no clue of what happened.

I began to worry and have been worrying ever sense. We can wake up Madam Wilson to tell her 'cause her only rule is to not wake her ... Even if she decides to sleep all day. The only other person I would think of telling is the handy-man, Braden.

"Pete we have to tell someone that Hope left."

"I know but we are forbidden to wake madam Wilson, who would we tell?"

"We could tell Braden...."

"No absolutely not!" Pete shouts and slams his fist against the table.

"Well why not we have nobody else to tell" I reason.

"Ok fine, but I'm only doing this 'cause Madam Wilson isn't up" he said snappily.

I smile giddily knowing I'll get to see Braden.

"Oh wipe that smile off ur face you at not a clown." Pete exclaims.

You see Pete knows I have a tiny crush on Braden, but all of the girls here do.  Since I like him Pete naturally hates him.  For some unknown reason most brothers hate the girl their sister likes.

Naturally I have a come back, "well at least I don't go all lovey-dovey for Christina Parker a 17 year old, who wears wayyyy too much makeup"

"But you go gooey eyes over a worker here, not an orphan, a person who is forced to be here" Pete fires back with an intensity in his eyes.

"But he is at least near my age cause he just graduated high school, Christina is many years older than you" I fire back just as intense.

We have an unspoken staring contest, which I win, Pete moaning in defeat.

"Well come on we have to tell him and try to get Hope back" Pete reasons.

We rush out of our room to try and find Braden, which isn't very hard cause he was down the hall with a bunch of love sick girls surrounding him.

"MOVE IT" I scream to the girls "THIS IS AN URGENT MATTER"

After the girls leave I call Braden over and tell him about Hope.

"Did she leave any clues to where she was going, something like a notes or item?" Braden asks

"Uhhhh we didn't really think of that" I answer sheepishly.

"Well then why are we still standing here lets go" says Pete.

We scour the room, ripping off bed sheets, looking under everything on the tables.  Finally after maybe an hour of searching we find a vague note with pretty much no help to finding Hope, except the part where she said look where I am without you. That's the stream definitely.

And I'm guessing she's going to try and find out parents cause she said find mom and dad. 

"Do you guys know what this means" Pete asks while looking through a random box of stuff that Hope owns.

"No what does this mean" I ask half curious and half sarcastic.

"It means Hope planned this, all her money from chores and fundraisers is gone, she had about two-hundred dollars too."  Pete says matter of factly.

"I'm a little confused why would Hope want to run away" Braden wonders slightly lost "and do you guys know where she hangs out when she's without you, or what does this thing about your parents mean" he was going over the note looking for an extra clue that we skipped over.

"She hangs out at the stream on the property when she needs to have some alone time.  And we found a clue about our parents ... They disappeared the night of the day Hope was born.  We also found out that 'Hope Jessica and Peter' are not our real names. We don't know our real names to answer the unasked question."  I ramble a little dazed by the fact Braden actually cares about the welfare of Hope and is helping us.

"Well let's go to the stream and see if she is still there or if she left any more clues" Braden decided.   

"Wait who said you were aloud to come" Pete says nastily.

"well little dude I'm the only one with permission to go to the stream without getting in trouble, cause you guys could get caught.  And I am the only one here who owns a license and who can driver not case Hope decided to sneak away to the city or something" Braden reasons almost challenging Pete to fight back.

"Well come on the can't keep her waiting" I say exasperated.


Well here's chapter 5 officially my longest chapter with over 1000 words.
Hope you enjoyed
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