Wishing she was mine

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Just some reminders before you start this story.

Y/N =Your name
Red = Angry
Purple = Romantic, Flirty
Blue = Upset
Green = Sneaky/Hiding something
White = Blank feeling
Black = Corrupted
Pink = Jealous
Orange = Scared
Brown = Safe


Laurence's POV

I been spending time with Adina these days hoping to help her heal. I don't know what has been over me. "Laurance? Hello Laurance???" Garroth was waving a hand in front of my face realizing I was gazing off into space again.

"H-huh?" " "Laurance you shouldn't be day dreaming while on guard. what's in your mind?"
" Nothing I was just ugh...worried about Adina?..." " You know you don't have to care for her that much, I know this is rude to say but she has kidney failure which means she will only live for a couple more months. In fact she isn't something special I mean she isn't a living human." I sighed ."I wish she was."

When we saw Aphmau coming Garroth took his chance before me usually I gone before him. " Hello Lady Aphmau everything is doing well say...you look stunning in that dress." She laughs. "Wow Garroth being a Casanova like Laurance now?" He picks up her hand and kisses it. " What do you say having dinner at Kawaii~Chans tonight?"

I couldn't believe he just said all that! What has gone into him! I then saw a bottle in his back pocket. Looks like he used a confidence potion Lucinda made ugh darn it... Aphmau hesitated for a moment and finally agreed. I felt jealousy in my body. Why couldn't I just grab her in the first place?

" You okay bud?" Dante asked as he comes down to the gate. " "Yes no maybe....... Ugh" I groaned.

When night fell I decided to sneak upon Garroth and Aphmau just in case anything happens I mean I'm a guard right? Why can't I just be extra protective?
"May Kawaii~Chan help Aphmau~Senpai and Garroth~Kun? " We'll have the chicken Alfredo with chocolate strawberry shortcake on the side" Garroth said. "Oooh is Aphmau~Senpai and Garroth~Kun dating? They both blushed. "Tehe! Kawaii~Chan needs pictures! Looks like Garroth lost his confidence I thought looking at them both in a awkward moment.
I sighed I guess I'll have to let them be. There's many girls out there I just there will be at least one of them perfect for me. I headed back to the guard tower hurt. Remembering all those moments I had with Aphmau. As I opened the door Adina (aka you) jumped on me. " "Hahaha sneaky little one. Why are you up so late? Of course I knew Adina couldn't talk but I felt comfortable at least talking out loud to her.

Your POV

I was sneaking with Laurance when he was at Kawaii~Chans stalking Aphmua and Garroth. Hmm does he like her? I just felt like I needed to help him. Well even though he is a little handsome I'll at least try to find someone else for him. I suddenly thought of a idea. It will begin the next morning.


As the sun went up I saw Laurance still sleeping so I quickly jumped out of bed not letting him notice me and head to the forest. This was my plan it was quite simple. Find a young woman and make it follow me to Phoenix Drop. See easy as that!
I was wandering around for quite a while until I finally spotted a girl with light blonde hair with purple glasses on top of her head and purple eyes. I jumped out to the bushes and made her see me.

"Um hello little guy what are you doing here? She asked. I ignored her and got into action. I jumped up grab her glasses In my mouth and headed towards the gate of Phoenix drop.
Well of course she chased me my plan was working all I needed to do was make sure Laurance is awake he should be awake by now and drop off these glasses in front if Laurance.
As I spotted Laurance I did what I wanted to and jumped into the bushes watching the conflict.

???'s POV

As I was walking in the forest I saw a bunny looking kind of creature? " Um hi little guy what are you doing here?" I asked. It rolled its eyes at me and snatched my lab glasses. I gasped and chase right after it.

After a minute of chasing it lead me through a gate to a village. "Phoenix Drop" I read as I kept running. Soon it stop and I found my glasses in front of a man with light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Forgive me for just barging in but some kind of creature just snatched away my item and came here I'm so sorry! I apologize. He smiled my heart started beeping. " It's alright he handed me my lab classes. My name is Laurance I am a guard of Phoenix guard pleasure to meet you." He said.

I blushed. "I'm Polly I'm was a bit lost on the forest until I was lead to this village." " Your welcome to stay. Lord Aphmau welcomes any new visitors make your self a home. There is some empty houses right down the street so you can pick the most comfortable one to you."

As we chatted a girl with black hair and black bangs which I assume is the Lord came up to me. " Hello there you must be new. I'm Lord Aphmau feel free to make yourself a home here we have plenty of room."Thank you for your hospitality I appreciate it." " Your very welcome Laurance please show miss...""Polly"I said and smiled. "Miss Polly a place she can stay. " Yes m'lady Laurance said. " "Please follow me Polly."

Laurence's POV

My heart kept beeping when I was around Polly indeed she was very beatific but can she possibly be mine? Why did Adina lead her here it's not like she can understand everyone's feelings. I have so many questions turning in my head while I was leading Polly to her house. I wish I could have a woman of my own someday.

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