8. lueks band & jon cena

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kris pov

"dud were on tv!1!1!1!" kris tld katln as he slapd her butty.

"omg stawp dat tickls"

"lol" kris sed.

"omg is dat luek hemins"katlyn sed

"omg it is lemme get a slic of dat lemon cake!!1!1!1!" kris wnkd at luek, who wnkd bak.

"hi ur hot" luek told kris "wana fuk? my bnd can 2 if u wnt bbboy"

"ew no thx u burt frosty" kris said, piking katln up nd flyn away on his bat mobil

in miami

"omg katln were r we" kris sed

"omg the iffel towr is hear!! i think we in vancoovr!!!1!1!1!1!"

"helo littl boys r u lost" a man came up to kris and katln

"im a gurl"

"not wiTH THAT WEEV LOL" the man said, gettn shot by his wife

"hoo r u" katln sed

"joHN CENA" jon cena yelld, puttn katln in2 a hedlok and slammin her 2 da flor

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