Chapter 2

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           I opened my eyes the next day to find my mother jumping excitedly on my bed, almost making me fall and hit my head on my easel. After a few more jumps, my mother settled down on my bed cross legged excitement relevant in her eyes. I pulled myself into a sitting position and took in her appearance. Today was her first day at the business firm that I forgot the name of. She wore red brown lipstick, nude eye shadow,  and had her blond hair put up in an elegant up do. She looked great. Her small frame was placed in a pencil skirt and long-sleeved off white button up shirt and my nude pumps. Her eyes were sparkling, looking the happiest I have seen her in years.

            "Good morning baby girl! I have to go to work soon, but I made french toast and eggs. I really do hope you have a great day at school today." She spoke in a rush then took me in her arms and squeezed me. She jumped down from my bed and threw me a kissy face over her shoulder as she ran out.

              I slowly climbed out of bed, and although I would never admit it I was terrified of what today might be like. I would be the new girl who no one would speak to or notice. Riley couldn't help me much now. I knew I was doomed, I wasn't exactly a people person and the only friends I really ever had was Riley and Farkle. What chance did I have here? I slouched my way to my own bathroom, something that would definitely take some getting use to. When I looked in the mirror I knew some might call me beautiful but I honestly thought I was ordinary. My skin was clear and healthy yet quite pale. My favorite features were probably my  blue eyes and my long wavy blond hair. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face, then slapped on some mascara. I did not wear much makeup.

         I ran down the stairs then flung myself into a seat at the dinning table. I mentally thanked my mother for the breakfast which in the past she never cooked, Katy was always gone by the time I woke up. When I was done eating, I was wondering around thinking about later today when I realized I never changed out of my pajamas. And I called Riley a goof. I ran back upstairs and went to my closet out of breath. I picked out my black platform boots, skinny jeans and a band shirt. I looked in the long mirror near my window and readjusted my hair. I ran back down the stairs then flung open the front door, heat running in waves over my body. I stepped out into the sun and slowly walked out to my black truck. As a form of peace treaty my mother bought me a truck. She can afford it now seeing as she gets paid well. It was her way of saying sorry for causing my suffering.

         I jumped in and turned on the air conditioner, the heat was stifling out there. I laid back in my seat, closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I was on the verge of a panic attack. I took out my phone and sent a text to Riley, hoping she might be able to help me calm down. I was so nervous. Without Riley I was a wreck.

        About a minute later I received a message telling me to Skype her as soon as I got back from school. That did make me feel a bit better knowing that however today would go, it would end with Riley being there for me. It was then that I became aware that someone was watching me. I turned in my seat until I saw a silver car pulling out of my neighbors driveway. I felt eyes bearing down upon me but the windows were too dark for me to meet the curious persons' eyes. I felt a tingling sensation run down my spine and shuddered. I decided after a few minutes that it had cooled down enough in the truck for me to drive without my hands slipping on the leather steering wheel. Two days ago my mother had shown me the school and helped me set everything up so I knew where I was going. I pulled out of my driveway cautiously and started on my way to the school. The building was a little nicer then my old school but it did not hold the same welcoming feel. I was glad that me and my truck did not stick out at all from the crowd. I already had my scheduled and my locker was set up so I did not need to worry about being obvious fresh meat.

        I stepped out of my truck and my stomach began to feel squeamish as I looked at all the kids. But I am Maya Hart, I will not allow myself to show weakness. I lifted my head confidently then walked into the brick building and kept my eyes ahead going straight to my locker to get everything I needed for my first class. Thankfully no one noticed me beside one boy who decided to whistle. But I guess that could have been meant for someone else.

       The first few hours of school went by in a blur. A few teachers introduced me to the class but most acted as if I had been there from the beginning of my junior year. Some of my fellow students tried to make conversation with me but I was not very responsive. I did not eat at lunch, partially because I was too much of a coward when I had no one to sit with but the biggest reason was because I wanted to see the art room.

         I knocked on the classroom door until I heard someone invite me in. I walked into the room and allowed all of it to sink in. Art was everywhere and it was all beautifully done. Not one purple cat in sight. An older man with glasses looked up at me as I entered.

          "Hello, I am Maya Hart." I held my hand out and shook his hand. "I just wanted to see the art room. I am a new student so I wanted to make sure I knew where my class was going to be." I smiled at him. I really hoped this teacher would like me. Slowing the older man smiled back.

         "Well, Maya Hart this is a very advanced class. Do you by chance have any drawings on you so I can see an example of your artwork? I need to be able to tell if you make the qualifications you see." He smiled during the end.

          I dug through my bag that I bring to every class and took out my sketch book then handed it to him nervously. He flipped through every used page, as he went on his smile grew larger.

         "Well, you definitely use a lot of emotion, passion, and detail in your work. I would be honored if you would join me in my class Maya. We could use someone like you." He eyes me speculatively as if he was looking for something hidden in my face.

          "Thank you Mr....."

           "Mr. Metty."

            "Thank you Mr.Metty" I smiled a genuine smile then glanced at my notebook, curious to when he was going to be giving it back and started turning my back to exit the room.

           "Oh Maya, I almost forgot to ask you if I could show some of your artwork to my students today as an example. Oh, and your class can start tomorrow to replace your current elective."

            "Alright sir." I smiled as I entered my next class, choir. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

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