Chapter 23

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     I slowly pulled Lucas through the doorway of my house, careful to not wake up Katy. I lead him up the stairs and into my bedroom, motioning toward the chair next to my bed. I crawled onto the bed, sitting cross-legged. I smiled a small smile at the familiar sight of Lucas sitting in my room.

      For several hours Lucas and I talked of everything. We talked about Riley and Farkle, both of whom he had forgotten up until then. I told him of them moving out together a few months back and being nearly inseparable... From time to time however, Farkle still gives me that dead look. I also told him about Josh and how he was usually not a violent person. I had no idea what was going through his mind. Lucas of course did not like him seeing as Josh did kind of attack him.

      I told him about Shawn, my mom's boyfriend. She still had not introduced him to me, she thought that was too big of a step. Lucas was most interested in his best friend he forgot he had, Zay. Zay had kept in contact but he was just as heart broken as myself so he usually kept to himself. Lucas was also excited to meet the dog we adopted together, Goodwin, who absolutely loved him.

     By the time we were finished talking, the sun had started raising over the horizon and we were both about to pass out from exhaustion. Lucas crawled into the bed while I laid my head on his chest. I fell asleep listening to his heart and he fell asleep listening to my breathing. Everything fell into place again and for once in a long time, I was happy.

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