Chapter 1- Welcome to Hell!

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I unloaded the truck with all my heavy, worn-out suitcases, and plopped them on the golden cart of hell. Don't mess this up, Solo. I gave the cart of quick nudge, just to make sure it wouldn't break down on me.

WELCOME TO PRINCETON UNIVERSITY with an arrow underneath stood in front of me. I sighed, and pulled my cart beside me, getting ready for the biggest mistake of my life.

You're probably wondering why I'm in a pissed off mood about this. "But you get to go away from your family," "You get to meet new boys, "Gets you ready for the future," "No more enemies," and best of them all: "You get to be free in life."

Well, all of those "happy" things about going to college doesn't happen it little Hope Solo's life. Even though I'm happy to get away from my 16 year old nut job of a sister, but my dad was the only thing left of my mum. When I was 10, she was my best friend, but died in a car crash just because of this stupid drunk driver. The driver didn't even need stitches! God, I hope he's living his life in guilt, but if he isn't, I'll make him.

Anyways, most of the people from my high school is going to this college, so what advantage do I have now? Same man whore boys, same popular assholes, and most of all: same bullies. The ones that destroyed my whole life. They've broken my heart, and destroyed my skin. I have scars all up my left arm, but I've been clean this whole summer thanks to my dad. Now without him, I'm done for sure.

Even worse, my best friend-and only friend- Alex is going to Harvard. No I am not jealous....okay maybe a little. Since she's so smart, she can't be in contact with any friends, only family. Knowing Alex, she'll make new friends quite easily. Sadly, before we left, we decided to end our term fo using "bff" for each other. Even though I played it all cool, I was breaking inside. We're still friends, but not like that. It sucks.

"Oh, watch where you're going there!" A sweet voice giggled, making me hit a bump, which was her.

"S-sorry." I mumbled, pulling the cart back to my side.

The woman stood behind a desk, with the name card Alexandria Kelly typed on it. Oh thanks for reminding me. A grumble rumbled in my throat, but I quickly hid it with a cough.

"What's your name?" She asked, pulling out a list of names, with FEMALES in bold letters on top.

"Hope Solo." I mumbled, looking down at my brown sandals. Man, my wardrobe is horrible.

Alexandria smiled. "Like that famous soccer player?" She chuckled, then went back to scanning the list.

I nodded, but my body engulfed with anger. I absolutely, positively hated when people pointed that out to me. It makes me even more insecure knowing I'm not even as good as soccer as her.

"Oh! Here you are!" She explained, making me jump. "Section D, room 567."

My blood started to pump through my veins, and I could already feel the puke churning in my stomach, ready to pounce at any minute....or second.

"Oh, and section D is the top floor," She answered, making me feel less nervous about getting lost. Phew. "Have fun!"

I nodded, and slipped the blue key with a P engraved on it into my sweatshirt, and began to pull my luggage down the brick path. It was sort of golden-like the Wizard Of Oz-but it led me to the worst thing ever in my life.

No, don't think that. Your roommate could be nice. Maybe she'll be your new friend. I smiled a little, but then it faded shortly after. I doubt it.

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