Change My Mind

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Cassandra's POV

"Alright class open your text books to page 154." Mr.Hastings said before everyone started taking their books out and exploring the pages. I felt something make contact with the back of my head so I turn around to see Harry and Trevor grinning mischievously. Harry and Trevor have been bullying me since I moved to Cheshire is 7th grade. They always find something to pick on me for, and I can't stand it. They usually stick to the generic criticisms like "You're ugly" or "You're fat". Trevor pointed to the ground behind my chair to see the object propelled at my head. I pick up the crumbled up piece of notebook paper and begin to unravel it until I heard my teacher clear his throat.

"Ms.Quin would you like to read that note to the class." I just shake my head 'no' but that clearly did my no justice. "Get up in front of the class and read it now." He said before I lifted myself off my chair and made my way to the front ignoring the snickering of my fellow classmates. I completely unravel the paper and all the color drains from my face.

"I don't think you want me to read this." Mr.Hastings just ignored me and demanded me to read it. I cleared my throat and began to read the rude letter. "I don't wanna open this text book, I would rather open your legs and insert my bookmark." My cheeks flushed a bright red and I was completely humiliated as the whole class laughed. I look back at Harry who was sporting his famous grin.

"Ms. Quin take your books and go to the office." Mr.Hastings said through his gritted teeth. I quickly make my way back to my desk and exit the classroom without a word being said. I made my way to the office as the tears started to run down my cheeks. I have never gotten in trouble at school, and I wasn't planning on starting today. I open the door leading to the office and see the secreatary sitting at the desk concentrating on her computer screen. As soon as the door closes her attention is directed to me as she shuts her lap top.

"Hello Cassandra, the principles waiting for you." She stated as she pointed towards a door next to a purple couch. I make my way to the door and open it to see a burly man with a beard sitting at a desk.

"Sit down please." He said breaking the silence as I made my way over to the chair infront of his desk. "I already heard one part from Mr.Hastings now I wanna hear your side." He said as he gave me the box of tissues so I can wipe my tears away.

"This kid threw a no-note at me and I tr-tried to r-read it, but Mr.Hastings forced me to read it infront of the class." I said as the sobs escaped my mouth and he nodded his head.

"I'm sorry Cassandra, but I have to give you a detention. Not that I want to, it's just Mr.Hastings would be on my case if I didn't punish you at all." He saidas he pulled a little green slip of paper out of his desk and started to fill it out before handing it to me. He pointed to the door signaling me to leave. I left completely silent and made my way into the hallway. I didn't bother going back to class instead I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. The tears started to cascade down my cheeks more then before. I am tired of being that one girl everyone always makes fun of. I am tired of being the dirt under every ones feet. I always get pushed around and bullied and I can't take it anymore. I will no longer be every ones punching bag they can throw insult after insult at. One day I will make something out of myself. Show everyone that I am not the no body the portray me as.

I one day will be a somebody.


{This is just a little back round of the story and I hope that you will stick around to read the rest(: These ideas are mine and if you steal them it's considered plagerism which is illegal. Anyway leave comments and possibly vote up (:

IG|| narrybangme

kik|| haroldgasm

love you :* ~tara (: xx }

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